Women of the Bible – Deborah

Women of the Bible – Deborah

This article is not to counteract the feminist movement, but to add to it from a biblical perspective. There are many women in the Bible who did heroic deeds for Israel as will be shown…

The First woman we will talk about is Deborah, she is mentioned in Judges. She was a judge and prophetess of Israel and married (Judges 4:4)! She led the men of Israel into battle to defeat an enemy God had asked to be removed (Judges 4:9).

When she spoke with the army commander, Barak, he was hesitant (Judges 4:8). So she said, I will go with the army into battle, but you will not receive the honour (Judges 4:9)!

This is how God works, we are told what to do and then we need to take a step out in faith to implement His plan!


Seven Steps to Freedom


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