Music Videos miss the mark – Final Part

Music Videos miss the mark! – Part 2

I will be the first to admit I enjoy a good beat and some positive lyrics to go along with it. But watching no more than 15 minutes of a popular music television station has left me awe struck…cont’d.

I am talking about the almost 75% content of hip thrusting and now, with all this Hollywood “magic”, private part movements! This is absurd. Who watches these videos? It is the young generation…

Why do we continue to allow this behaviour to enter into our minds and the minds of our families?

Something needs to be done and soon! Check out my first published book “Seven Steps to Freedom” (follow links at or visit major online bookstores) to learn how you can play your part in the “bigger plan” and find out what is in store for your future here on earth and “happily ever after”!


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