Smarts, Intelligence and Decisions – How do we fight fear with knowledge and sound decision making? – Part 4

Smarts, Intelligence and Decisions – How do we fight fear with knowledge and sound decision making? – Part 4

Headlines in the news are getting more gruesome and closer to “home” by the day. Murders, Illness’s and terrorism are looming large, but the solutions do not seem to be readily available. Some suggest that we ought to “nuke” them all, while others suggest “peace” is the solution. Although the book of Ecclesiastes would suggest that there is a time for both war and peace (Ecclesiastes 3:8). How do we know when to put forth our best foot, be diplomatic and to an extent “turn the other cheek” or when do we say enough is enough and allow “God’s wrath” to unfold on the evils of this seemingly unsuspecting world? In this article we will talk about making sound decisions based on facts and intelligence, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Considering terrorism in particular, these men make evil plans, to either kill large groups of people, convince people to commit suicide while at the same time killing others, or in more recent news, use our own countrymen against us in media releases that encourage their propaganda. The latter is a form of psychological terror, the likes of which this world has had no opportunity to see until the recent advent of instant global communications through the internet and online video making. But in the end all of these men’s efforts will utterly fail (Psalm 7:14-16).

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

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