Work, Labour and Wages – Is your 9 to 5 job part of God’s plan? – Part 1

Work, Labour and Wages – Is your 9 to 5 job part of God’s plan? – Part 1

At times especially in this economic climate it can seem that we are running on the hamster wheel and never accomplishing much. We pick up in the morning where we left of the day before and the work just keeps coming, always piling up, but there never seems to be an end. The era of a sea of office cubicals, manufacturing assembly lines and the like seem to go on forever. At times we may ask ourselves; Is this what life is all about? Why am I doing this job? Is there a greater purpose behind our daily work, or are we just grinding away until we go back to the place we came from? This week we will talk about our daily work and how it fits into the bigger plan, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice.

Of course there are many reasons for why a person may be working in a particular job, such as supplementing income, a new baby being on the way, extra cash for schooling or just to pay the bills at the end of the month. But is there something greater than just doing that job to pay the bills? First, taking care of your family ought to be a priority, although money is not the only way to take care of one’s family, if you are the “bread winner”, it certainly helps (1 Timothy 5:8). There are also some other verses in the Bible that suggest money answers many questions (Ecclesiastes 10:19). The point is, doing a job to solely earn money is not necessarily a sin (2 Thessalonians 3:10). However, working with integrity and honesty to help others should be just as important as the hourly wage or salary you receive (1 Timothy 6:10).

More to come…


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