Work, Labour and Wages – Is your 9 to 5 job part of God’s plan? – Part 2

Work, Labour and Wages – Is your 9 to 5 job part of God’s plan? – Part 2

At times especially in this economic climate it can seem that we are running on the hamster wheel and never accomplishing much. We pick up in the morning where we left of the day before and the work just keeps coming, always piling up, but there never seems to be an end. The era of a sea of office cubicals, manufacturing assembly lines and the like seem to go on forever. At times we may ask ourselves; Is this what life is all about? Why am I doing this job? Is there a greater purpose behind our daily work, or are we just grinding away until we go back to the place we came from? This week we will talk about our daily work and how it fits into the bigger plan, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Next, our work is important to enjoy (Ecclesiastes 2:24). If we do not enjoy the work we do how can we do a good job at it? It may take sometime to figure out what you are best at doing in this world. As I know it has taken me sometime, but any job we do, regardless of how long we work at it, can teach us somethings for the next step we take in life. This is part of what life is all about, living and learning from our day to day work. Some of us of course are better at certain jobs than others, but regardless, the lesson’s you learn from your work, can be used for the rest of your life!

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

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