Self Esteem, Inadequacy and Shame – How has the skyrocketing divorce rate and other life choices affected your life here on earth? – Part 1

Self Esteem, Inadequacy and Shame – How has the skyrocketing divorce rate and other life choices affected your life here on earth? – Part 1

This week’s topic could not have come at a better time. I have been mauling over this topic for the last few weeks and had put it aside, but now it has come clear to me what needs to be said. This week’s topic is about self-esteem, it’s about feeling inadequate and it is about feeling shameful. The world is filled with options for us, right from the beginning when we choose as babies what food we want in our mouths and what we do not. But we have continued to make choices throughout our lives, good and bad, not always thinking about the consequences. This week we will talk about our self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice.

I have to admit, I could barely get my thoughts down on paper for this topic, but I finally came to the point of realizing why. I was feeling the exact feelings I wanted to talk about. The fact of the matter is, I have not always consciously followed the “narrow path” (Matthew 7:13). And that has led me down some very dark and dingy tunnels. I have probably broken every one of the Ten Commandments more than once no doubt and others as well along my journey in life, albeit most spiritually (James 2:10). When I was younger I tried to do the right thing and make the right choices, I inevitably did not, which did not only affect myself, but the people I cared about around me.

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

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