Self Esteem, Inadequacy and Shame – How has the skyrocketing divorce rate and other life choices affected your life here on earth? – Part 4

Self Esteem, Inadequacy and Shame – How has the skyrocketing divorce rate and other life choices affected your life here on earth? – Part 4

This week’s topic could not have come at a better time. I have been mauling over this topic for the last few weeks and had put it aside, but now it has come clear to me what needs to be said. This week’s topic is about self-esteem, it’s about feeling inadequate and it is about feeling shameful. The world is filled with options for us, right from the beginning when we choose as babies what food we want in our mouths and what we do not. But we have continued to make choices throughout our lives, good and bad, not always thinking about the consequences. This week we will talk about our self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

If you are still not convinced let us talk a little more about our sins and how God views them. First, let’s talk about our youthful sins (Ecclesiastes 11:9). We may have made mistakes years ago that are coming back to haunt us, through guilt or outright accusation by others or the adversary (Psalm 25:7). Although we are held accountable for the choices we make, especially if they involve breaking human laws as well as God’s laws. We are still forgiven regardless, if we accept Christ as our saviour (Romans 10:9). One way of getting rid of the guilt in your mind or life in general, is to talk to someone else about it. The Bible says, “Confess your sins one to another and you will be healed” (James 5:16). I have found this to be the truth every time I speak to someone else about my guilt, problems, etc. The key is to listen to the other person’s advice and comments about your problem and pray about it!

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

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