Laughter, Joy and Happiness – Does God have a sense of humor? – Part 1

Laughter, Joy and Happiness – Does God have a sense of humor? – Part 1

This topic could not have come at a more perfect time. Just the other day I had created a mishap that has literally spilled over to damage control today. What does this have to do with joy and happiness? Everything! We are given our daily circumstances whatever they are and we must work through them. Sometimes life can be challenging, but that does not mean we must take on a negative attitude because of our circumstances. We must persevere through the challenges and find the positive in every situation. This week we will talk about finding the joy in everything we experience using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice.

First let’s talk about humour, I could talk for hours about humour, but what is appropriate? Another question that is a challenge to answer, every person laughs at different situations and different scenarios. In the Bible, it says that God laughs at the wicked (Psalm 37:13). This verse can be a challenge to comprehend, but the point is God does laugh. He laughs at our plans and our ways, because really they are not His (Proverbs 19:21). So in a sense, God does have a sense of humour. Not to mention the fact, that laughing can release tension in many situations. Ecclesiastes 3:4 says, “…there is a time to laugh…” amongst other emotions and actions at other times. And Luke 6:21, makes a promise of laughter, just like Ecclesiastes 3:4. The point is there is a time for everything under the sun, including laughter!

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

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