Idolatry, Covetousness and Thievery – What do these three have in common and how do they affect us here on earth? – Part 4

Idolatry, Covetousness and Thievery – What do these three have in common and how do they affect us here on earth? – Part 4

The discussion of any one of these topics would be easy enough to tackle. But when you put them altogether they tell a bigger story of how a person can fall on their walk here on earth. I am guilty of all three of these sins at one level and time in my life here on earth. The cycle of living in these sins can be constant and lifelong, but the key is to get out of the cycle of these sins in order to better enjoy your life here on earth! In John 10:10 the Bible says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I [Jesus] have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” This week we will talk about these subjects using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Idolatry or at least the Egyptian ideologies were one reason why the Israelites had to spend 40 years in the wilderness. It was a form of cleansing their minds and quite literally a generation from the customs they followed in Egypt in order to prepare them to enter the “Promised Land”. Not even Moses the man who led the Israelites during this time entered the “Promise Land”. Of course, as is human nature, after sometime in the Promised Land, the Northern Tribes of Israel fell back into their own “style” of worship (Idolatry) and for that reason they went into captivity. This seems to be the theme of humanity throughout history, listen to God, disobey, fall out of His grace, forgiveness and mercy and on it goes.

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

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