Faith – What does it mean and how do we get it? – Part 2

Faith – What does it mean and how do we get it? – Part 2

The very idea of faith is universal. There is no one religion or institution here on earth that can control the idea of faith. And you either have it or you do not. It is not forced upon a person and it cannot be taken away without a mighty struggle. But in the end it may be one of the most powerful tools we have as believers in our struggles with our daily lives here on earth and with the rest of humanity in our relationships with each other and our Almighty Creator. This week we will talk about the topic of faith, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

In my opinion every human being has a measure of faith given to them at birth. Call it our spirit or our soul, etc. that is fine. But it is that little pilot light in our bodies that believes. That believes we have oxygen to breath. That believes that the earth is going to continue rotating and we are not going to float off into outer space. And that the sun is going to rise in the morning like it has throughout human history. And although we all may have a measure of faith at some point of time in our lives, we can always ask for more (Luke 11:9). However, no matter how much faith you have, “with faith of a mustard seed [a very small seed], you can move mountains” (Matt. 17:20).

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

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