Men, Women and God – Part 4

Men, Women and God – What is a man and a woman’s role in relation to each other and God according to Scripture? – Part 4

Something I have struggled with the last few years is a man’s role in relationship with his female counterpart. I have experienced relationships with women in a multitude of ways, Grandma’s, Mom’s, Sisters, Girlfriends, Friends and Co-workers. I will admit I have not always been perfect in my attitude towards women and at times I am sure a few of them have wanted to ring my neck for the way I treated them. With that all being said, there must be a good way for men and women to interact, regardless of what type of relationship they are in with each other. This week I will tackle the question of men and women’s relationships with each other and God, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

In the New Testament, Jesus has quite a few experiences with women. Not the least of which, the Bible says that He was ministered to by them (Matt. 27:55)! Of course His mother was a woman, and she was considered blessed among women for her role in physically birthing the only begotten Son of God (Luke 1:42). But He defended women left, right and centre, it would seem. The Bible says, that “true religion is taking care of the fatherless and the widows” (James 1:27). And it would seem that that is what Jesus was doing. The point is that true religion is not sexist. True religion and faith in Jesus Christ give women the same freedom that any man can have here on earth, and eternal life in the world to come!

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

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