Human judgement vs. Godly Wisdom & Judgement – Part 1

Human judgement vs. Godly Wisdom & Judgement – What are the differences? – Part 1

It is quite an interesting subject, because judgement can and is used here on earth on a daily basis to determine the outcomes of people’s lives, temporary and long-term. Judgments are made at meetings, in court rooms and in our minds as individuals almost second by second in some cases. But what does this all mean and what can we do about it? This week I will talk about our judgements and compare them with what God says in His Word, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice.

First, let’s talk about human judgement. We can judge and are “trained” to judge very early on in life. Whether it is to judge whether or not we should act a certain way or do a certain thing, we are constantly assessing our actions, which is undoubtedly a form of judgement. This is good judgement in the sense that we could be judging in order to protect ourselves or others from a possible dangerous outcome to a situation or to judge to lead ourselves and others in the right direction. Nevertheless, we still have a sort of “baseline” from which we use to base our judgements, whether that be life experience, societal “norms”, culture or family upbringing (Proverbs 14:12, Romans 3:10). But the point is that we do base our judgments from something or somewhere.

More to come…


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