Doormats, Pushovers, and Kindness – Part 2

Doormats, Pushovers, and Kindness – What do these three things have in common? – Part 2

There have been times in my life where it has been said that I have been too nice. Is that even a possibility really? I have heard that you should not be a doormat. But doormats say “Welcome”, what is wrong with that? And people may say you should not be a pushover or let people walk all over you, but what does the Bible say about all of this? This week we will talk about what this all means using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice….cont’d.

Speaking of doormats in particular, let us think a little more about what a doormat is all about. As mentioned earlier doormats often say “Welcome”, which is always a good thing. And doormats are used to clean our feet before we enter a house. That is exactly what Jesus did for us, He washed feet during His ministry and in a spiritual sense He cleansed us of our sins by taking them on Himself at the cross! Last, doormats are usually cushy, is that not a good thing? That is what God is all about loving us, keeping us, protecting us and cushioning us when we fall. So next time you think about or see a doormat, give thanks to God for it and think about what Jesus did for you and me!

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

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