Evil, Sin and Redemption – Part 3

Evil, Sin and Redemption – How do we remove evil from the earth? – Part 3

It is amazing, the closer God draws me to Him and His ways, the more obvious and blatant evil has become to me, not only in this world, but in my life and personal circumstances as well. It is no small fall that man has had from what we were created to be before we chose to eat from the fruits of knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:17). But can we get back to this state of “very good”? That is the question. This week I will talk about the topic of “removing” evil from this earth using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Last, the one prayer that Jesus suggested was written in a couple of the books of the New Testament. Amongst the things Jesus suggested we pray for was; “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matt. 6:10 KJV). This is the key, we need to be seeking out God’s Kingdom, pressing towards the goal daily to experience it and find it (Matt. 7:7). There are multiple promises that God’s Kingdom would be established here on earth, and its seeds have already been planted in you and I through the Holy Spirit and Jesus’ testimony almost 2000 years ago. All we need to do is be patient, pray and give praise to God in our daily lives to experience His peace and prepare for His coming in all His glory!


Seven Steps to Freedom

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