New Year, Celebration, Signs – What are the ancient roots of our modern New Year’s celebration? – Part 3

New Year, Celebration, Signs – What are the ancient roots of our modern New Year’s celebration? – Part 3

This week’s article may be more of a history lesson than anything else, although I will touch on some Old Testament laws on keeping the yearly calendar. Time is an important thing in this working world, and just like we need to keep a weekly schedule for work, school, religion and family activities we must also keep a yearly schedule for those yearly chores like tax season, the beginning of the school year, and the like. This week’s article will be about that yearly date we celebrate as the start of the year, its history and connect it with our daily lives using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Now, that we have established the history of our modern calendar and the Old Testament indication for the beginning of the year. What next? Well obviously none of us here on earth have the power to move times and laws (Proverbs 19:21). And just like any other national or internationally recognized celebration, we do our best to get along with everyone (Romans 12:18). But there are some things we can do during this time of celebration and preparation for a New Year to keep ourselves grounded in the truth. Be safe in your activities, do not overindulge or plan for travelling safely if you do, that is find a designated driver. And just enjoy the renewing of life, your freedom and remember who gave you that freedom (Ephesians 2:4-10)!

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

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