Covet things or follow God’s plan for you? – Part 1

Covet things or follow God’s plan for you? – Part 1

I cannot count the number of times I have coveted things here on earth. I have coveted peoples jobs, lifestyles, belongings, relationships and the list will go on. The desire to live in another person’s shoes has brought me down many dead ends, failed relationships and disappointments when I did not receive the things I desired. But there is a positive side to desiring, that is if you desire the right things. This week I will talk about the subject of coveting, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice.

Covetousness can be a very powerful driver and can and does lead to jealousy, anger and possibly undesirable acts of words or physical violence. It is a slippery slope, but identifying your weaknesses is the start to praying through and letting go of the “idols” in each of our lives. The first and greatest command is that we should “Love the Lord our God with all of our hearts, minds and souls” (Matt. 22:35). This one command when followed, will remove all thoughts of covetousness and idolatry. But we cannot do it through our own human effort; we need to allow God’s Spirit into our minds and lives to change us. Showing us what “idols” we have in our life that we need to let go of. This maybe a lifelong process, but as we draw closer to God, seek His face and fellowship with Him, we will be changed from the inside out!

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

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