Covet things or follow God’s plan for you? – Part 2

Covet things or follow God’s plan for you? – Part 2

I cannot count the number of times I have coveted things here on earth. I have coveted peoples jobs, lifestyles, belongings, relationships and the list will go on. The desire to live in another person’s shoes has brought me down many dead ends, failed relationships and disappointments when I did not receive the things I desired. But there is a positive side to desiring, that is if you desire the right things. This week I will talk about the subject of coveting, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice.

Next, the key to letting go of covetousness is to understand that EVERYTHING comes from God. God created everything, we may claim to take credit for the fruits of our human hands, but ultimately it all started with God in the beginning (Genesis 1:1). The Bible says that, “…at thy [God’s] right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” (Psalm 16:11 KJV). He says that the heavens and the earth are His, and the “…cattle on 1000 hills” (Col. 1:16, Psalm 50:10). He promises blessings to those who obey Him and curses to those who do not (Deut. 11:26-28). Everything that we have ever received has come from God! Is it not then our responsibility to put the Giver of everything; life, blessings, relationships, etc. first!? This is where the saying comes from to live a Christ centred life verses a self-centred life. Take yourself or any other idol you have off of that throne and put God back where He belongs. You will be happy you did!

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

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