Should you let your past determine your future? – Part 3

Should you let your past determine your future? – Part 3

As humans we can tend to “dwell” on the past in order to receive guidance or lesson’s learned for planning the future. I have heard that “we are a sum of our experiences”, true or not, I am sure we can all come up with our own decision on that thought. We have examples in world leaders, leaders in our countries, industry, education and the list will go on. But this entire example is only on the human level. We can be judged or judge ourselves on past performance, memories and action, but what really matter? This week I will talk about our past and how it ought to “inform” how we move forward on our day to day walk here on earth, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Last, Hold fast to YOUR faith in God and His Son, Jesus Christ. He will be justified and glorified in you and in this world in due time… Ultimately, rest in Jesus’ perfect Spirit, the Holy Spirit, this Spirit gives life; it will renew us, cleanse us, forgive us, purify us and prepare us for any obstacle that may find its way in between our relationships with God and others… (John 6:63, Romans 8:6, 2 Cor. 5:17-21).


Seven Steps to Freedom

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