Aliens, UFO’s and Space travel… what is the truth of it? – Part 2

Aliens, UFO’s and Space travel… what is the truth of it? – Part 2

Generally speaking I am not much of a “conspiracy” person, but God knows there is no shortage of “conspiracy” theories in this world. It almost has a “cult” like following throughout the decades, especially with the advent of film and special affects to enhance the drama of a possible idea. But what is the truth of all of this? The Bible makes very clear in one book that God will bring a strong dilution on the world for those who disobey Him and that signs and wonder will be done in heaven, both by good and evil forces, which would put to rest the question of UFO’s and the “why” of the space program at least (Matt. 24:24, 2 Thess. 2:9-12, Hebrews 2:4, Rev. 16:14). The word used to describe angels in particular which means “messenger” are used to describe both “celestial” and “terrestrial” bodies in the New and Old Testament (Genesis 32:3, Luke 7:24). But do we need to be deceived? This week I will talk about the topic of the more “alien” kind using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Now let us go onto the subject of “aliens”. I have watched shows, heard stories and thought about these ideas myself. One more recently that I have thought of is the “abduction” scenario. To me this could very likely be a mental manifestation, as we come into this world often into strangers’ hands in the hospital under lights, we are poked and prodded with needles as we grow older and then we are encouraged at times to continue to follow this “system” throughout life. Is this not a sort of “abduction”, from a more godly way of living? If Adam and Eve had never sinned and were never cast out of the Garden of Eden, God only knows how we would have experienced life instead. I imagine there would be a lot less need for the medical industry as it stands today…at the least. The Good news is God does desire us to experience His goodness (Psalm 100:5, Psalm 136:1, Psalm 145:9). And one more thing about aliens, it says in Genesis 6:4 that there were giants on the earth and that the “sons of God” came into the daughters of men to bare children to them. The giants are just that, big people, as I have mentioned in an earlier article about “angels” and the “sons of God” are likely from the righteous line of Adam through Seth as Adam is also considered a “son of God” (Luke 3:38).

More to come…


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