Part of the problem, solution or neutral… – Part 1

Part of the problem, solution or neutral… – Part 1

In the military, staying out of trouble meant being the “grey” man. This type of person does not say or do too much or too little. Just enough to be of use without looking like a “brown nosier” or a “sleuth”. And this has its roots in the Bible (Eccl. 10:11-15, 18). We can become zealous at times to a fault and attempt to bring things to pass that were either not meant to be or are not at the right time. Jesus did say seek and you shall find, but how far do we go and where do we go and whom do we seek to find the truth? And what are the results? This week I will talk about the topic of problem solving using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice.

In Jeremiah it says that if the heavens could be searched out above and the depths beneath that God’s covenant with Israel would be removed (Jeremiah 31:37). It is interesting that with science and technology today, these could come to pass. Whether or not mankind ever completely understands the heights of heaven and the depths of the earth entirely could be argued until the final judgement. However, as the Bible says, “…with God all things are possible” (Matt. 19:26). Nevertheless as individuals we can still do our part in bringing God’s plan for mankind here on earth and in eternity to come to pass. This will always start with accepting the true God and Jesus Christ as our Saviour and authority, above all else in heaven and in the earth.


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