The Picts and the Aberlemno Stone – Part 1

Hello All, it has been a long while since I have written and my life circumstances have changed dramatically. I am currently in St. Joseph’s hospital in Hamilton being treated for schizophrenia. How is that for personal information. Nevertheless, this week and possibly some following I will talk about a few interesting research topics I was looking into before I got here. The first is the Picts and their stones. You can look into them at your leisure by searching the internet, but the stone I would like to speak of in particular is the Aberlemno Stone.

I will go right to the point and say that the double disc and z rod shape depicted on the stone likely represents a map of the ancient Israelites travel from Israel proper to Scotland, through the Caucasus in southern Russia, into France and Spain, and then onto England, Ireland and Scotland. Some historical evidence of this can be found in the Declaration of Arbroath. A 1320 declaration of Scottish independence of sorts, addressed to the Pope of Rome at the time.

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