Job and the Great Pyramid – Part 1

Another research topic I looked into was the great pyramid of Egypt. It has been explained away to be thousands of years old, some attribute its construction to aliens. But there is a truth of the matter, so who built it? Well I will go right to the point and say that there has been some suggestion that Job of the Bible built it. And it was because of this massive construction project that he undertook along with his other worldly success, that he was humbled before God and men (Job 42). There are at least two references for such a claim that can be looked into, Dr. Herman Hoeh, and Charles Adiel Lewis Totten.

Now, there is an interesting claim to why the pyramid was built. The name of the builder was Cheops, this likely was Job, and it was being built for none other than Joseph, whom helped the ancient Israelites through the famine. This is likely the case because there is a Job mentioned in the Bible, that would have been around the same age as Joseph (Gen. 46:13). Job would have been Joseph’s nephew.

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