Ancient British tribes and the captivities of Israel – Part 2

There are at least five major waves of immigration to the British Isles from about a millennium before Christ time unto the fourteenth century A.D.. They are known as the Brits, Picts, Celts, Anglo Saxons and the Normans. Some may argue differently, but for the sake of this article I will use these as examples. And it just so happens that the ancient Israelites went into captivity at least four times, twice for the northern ten tribes to Assyria and twice for the tribe of Judah into Babylon (2 Kings 15:29, 17:6, 24:12-16, 25:11). With Dan the “pioneer of Israel“, having started to adventure outside the land of Israel proper, likely during the time of Judges about five hundred years before the first captivity (Judges 18).

Another author whom has done extensive research into the tribes of Israel and their migration throughout history is Yair Davidiy. He wrote a book called “The Tribes” for the interested reader. One of the tribes I have identified with Spain and Portugal is Naphtali. They were prophesied to inhabit the west and the south (Deut. 33:23). That would also include the lands that Spain and Portugal colonized, especially South America and South Western United States.

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