Judah and Adult Entertainment – Part 2

A subject that I am a little hesitant to write about is the tribe of Judah’s involvement with the Adult Entertainment industry. There is scripture that would agree with this idea, and it is in Joel 3:6 and 7, speaking about the tribe of Judah being sold to the Greeks, but them arising from there circumstances in that place.

Also, from personal experience in late 2019, I met a woman while in hospital, whom had seemed to confirm my thought’s about the tribe of Judah’s affiliation with the Adult Entertainment world. She had mentioned she had been in an adult film in the past and was recruited by a Jewish man. This is in no means meant to be an anti-Semitic article, and I know that it is not the vast majority of Jews that are involved in the industry, as I am sure there is probably people of the new testament Church whom have fallen into the same world. But it is a confirmation of the prophet Joel’s prophecy (Joel 3:6, 7).

Judah and Adult Entertainment – Part 1

A subject that I am a little hesitant to write about is the tribe of Judah’s involvement with the Adult Entertainment industry. There is scripture that would agree with this idea, and it is in Joel 3:6 and 7, speaking about the tribe of Judah being sold to the Greeks, but them arising from there circumstances in that place.

Greece has been known for the ancient custom of temple prostitution, with some of the priests of Israel before that (1 Sam. 2:22). And I had in recent year’s fallen back into looking into pornography again, but I think it had it’s purpose, because in one of the adult entertainment industry award red carpet photo ops, was what seemed to be an orthodox jew, God knows the truth of this. Also, at least one actor and actress were of Jewish ancestry according to their bio’s.

Job and the Great Pyramid – Part 3

Another research topic I looked into was the great pyramid of Egypt. It has been explained away to be thousands of years old, some attribute its construction to aliens. But there is a truth of the matter, so who built it? Well I will go right to the point and say that there has been some suggestion that Job of the Bible built it. And it was because of this massive construction project that he undertook along with his other worldly success, that he was humbled before God and men (Job 42). There are at least two references for such a claim that can be looked into, Dr. Herman Hoeh, and Charles Adiel Lewis Totten.

Last, we must remember that the truth of these matters are all fine and well, but we must look to our Creator and Jesus Christ of Nazareth for truth first and foremost. Jesus Christ of Nazareth was also a builder, His earthly father was a carpenter, and Jesus also took up the trade (Matt. 13:55, Mark 6:3). We must remember to look to Him for our ultimate answers, in life, death and in resurrection of life. As He is the one who is the chief cornerstone, He died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, He was buried and the third day He arose to give us the hope and promise of eternal life in His Holy name (Eph. 2:19-22). Alleluia and praise the LORD. Amen and Amen.

Job and the Great Pyramid – Part 2

Another research topic I looked into was the great pyramid of Egypt. It has been explained away to be thousands of years old, some attribute its construction to aliens. But there is a truth of the matter, so who built it? Well I will go right to the point and say that there has been some suggestion that Job of the Bible built it. And it was because of this massive construction project that he undertook along with his other worldly success, that he was humbled before God and men (Job 42). There are at least two references for such a claim that can be looked into, Dr. Herman Hoeh, and Charles Adiel Lewis Totten.

There has been writing about the dimensions of the pyramid and its prophetic signs. And no doubt there is some significance to the dimensions, as the Biblical people were educated from God. One scripture that is quoted to argue the point of Job being the builder is in the book of Job 38:4-6. God asks Job, where he was when God laid the foundation of the earth, the suggestion is that Job built the great pyramid with it’s foundation, but where was he when God laid the foundation of earth?

Job and the Great Pyramid – Part 1

Another research topic I looked into was the great pyramid of Egypt. It has been explained away to be thousands of years old, some attribute its construction to aliens. But there is a truth of the matter, so who built it? Well I will go right to the point and say that there has been some suggestion that Job of the Bible built it. And it was because of this massive construction project that he undertook along with his other worldly success, that he was humbled before God and men (Job 42). There are at least two references for such a claim that can be looked into, Dr. Herman Hoeh, and Charles Adiel Lewis Totten.

Now, there is an interesting claim to why the pyramid was built. The name of the builder was Cheops, this likely was Job, and it was being built for none other than Joseph, whom helped the ancient Israelites through the famine. This is likely the case because there is a Job mentioned in the Bible, that would have been around the same age as Joseph (Gen. 46:13). Job would have been Joseph’s nephew.

The Picts and the Aberlemno Stone – Part 3

Hello All, it has been a long while since I have written and my life circumstances have changed dramatically. I am currently in St. Joseph’s hospital in Hamilton being treated for schizophrenia. How is that for personal information. Nevertheless, this week and possibly some following I will talk about a few interesting research topics I was looking into before I got here. The first is the Picts and their stones. You can look into them at your leisure by searching the internet, but the stone I would like to speak of in particular is the Aberlemno Stone.

Last, it is important to remember that as followers of Jesus. He is to come first in all of this, and our identity historically is important, but most important should be an identity in Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Gal. 3:28). He is the Saviour of us all, after all, and has died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, he was buried and the third day He arose to give us the hope and promise of eternal life in His Holy name. Alleluia and praise the LORD. Amen and Amen.

The Picts and the Aberlemno Stone – Part 2

Hello All, it has been a long while since I have written and my life circumstances have changed dramatically. I am currently in St. Joseph’s hospital in Hamilton being treated for schizophrenia. How is that for personal information. Nevertheless, this week and possibly some following I will talk about a few interesting research topics I was looking into before I got here. The first is the Picts and their stones. You can look into them at your leisure by searching the internet, but the stone I would like to speak of in particular is the Aberlemno Stone.

Next, let us talk about the possible meaning of the stone in more detail. The double discs could very well represent the two religious authorities during the Picts time about 600 A.D., the Egyptian, Greco-Roman mythologies in the south disc, and the Norse and Celtic religions in the northern disc. The serpent in the top left may represent the tribe of Dan and their earlier travels to the area of the British Isles (Gen. 49:17). And the what looks like a mirror and comb, in the bottom right may represent the Persian, Babylonian, etc. empires that amongst other things concerned themselves with imagery (Dan. 3:1-7).

The Picts and the Aberlemno Stone – Part 1

Hello All, it has been a long while since I have written and my life circumstances have changed dramatically. I am currently in St. Joseph’s hospital in Hamilton being treated for schizophrenia. How is that for personal information. Nevertheless, this week and possibly some following I will talk about a few interesting research topics I was looking into before I got here. The first is the Picts and their stones. You can look into them at your leisure by searching the internet, but the stone I would like to speak of in particular is the Aberlemno Stone.

I will go right to the point and say that the double disc and z rod shape depicted on the stone likely represents a map of the ancient Israelites travel from Israel proper to Scotland, through the Caucasus in southern Russia, into France and Spain, and then onto England, Ireland and Scotland. Some historical evidence of this can be found in the Declaration of Arbroath. A 1320 declaration of Scottish independence of sorts, addressed to the Pope of Rome at the time.

What is the New Jerusalem? – Part 3

What is the New Jerusalem? – Part 3

The idea is certainly not new and even the Old Testament describes newness of things especially in Isaiah 65. But the New Jerusalem is something described in detail in the Book of Revelation. It certainly is spiritual first and foremost, but it may also be describing natural things to come. Some have suggested that the “New Jerusalem” is here on earth, and others have suggested that we all have a destination beyond this planet, that is in the heavens, the “New Jerusalem”. This week I will talk about the idea of the “New Jerusalem” using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

The last important point of the new Jerusalem is that it represents eternal life; newness, refreshing and forgiveness (Rev. 21:1, 3-7). There are many more verses to describe the Jerusalem from above, but it is probably best understood in the context of the Holy Spirit. God is Spirit after all (John 4:24). And this “new Jerusalem”, although likely having a literal context at the final resurrection and judgement of all mankind, has a much simpler context today. It represents the Holy Spirit descending on Jesus like a dove, it represents our acceptance of God’s kingdom in our own life and finally it represents the final destination of all of those whom believe in and follow Jesus Christ of Nazareth to the end (Rev. 21:8-27). It is a place that, like God, is Holy and will never be destroyed. It is the place where peace and righteousness dwell forever (Rev. 22)!


Seven Steps to Freedom

Time, Times, and a Dividing of Time – What did John really see?

What is the New Jerusalem? – Part 2

What is the New Jerusalem? – Part 2

The idea is certainly not new and even the Old Testament describes newness of things especially in Isaiah 65. But the New Jerusalem is something described in detail in the Book of Revelation. It certainly is spiritual first and foremost, but it may also be describing natural things to come. Some have suggested that the “New Jerusalem” is here on earth, and others have suggested that we all have a destination beyond this planet, that is in the heavens, the “New Jerusalem”. This week I will talk about the idea of the “New Jerusalem” using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

In the epistles it describes the Jerusalem from above as being the “mother” of us all (Gal. 4:26). And Hebrews 12:22-24 speaks of the spiritual context of this “heavenly” Jerusalem, “But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.” This describing the nature of heaven itself, which is God’s spirit essentially, the fellowship of the church made perfect in Christ and Jesus Christ himself as the High Priest before God and men.


Seven Steps to Freedom

Time, Times, and a Dividing of Time – What did John really see?