Freedom from blame for Jesus’ death on the cross

Jesus said in John 10:17 and 18, “Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.” (John 10:17, 18). Jesus came to earth, conceived by the Holy Ghost, in the virgin, Mary, born of the virgin, Mary, espoused to Joseph (Matt. 1:18-25). He had brothers and sisters (Mark 6:3). He started His earthly ministry at about the age of thirty (Luke 3:23). And for three and a half years, He healed, did miracles, and forgave sins. And at Passover in 31 A.D., Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, He was buried, and the third day He arose to give us the hope and promise of eternal life in His Holy name. Alleluia and praise the LORD. Amen and Amen.

Easter, Passover, Crucifixion – What does chocolate and rabbits have to do with Christ’s crucifixion? – Part 5

Easter, Passover, Crucifixion – What does chocolate and rabbits have to do with Christ’s crucifixion? – Part 5

It is coming the time of year when young children are thinking about Easter chocolate surprises, Easter morning and Parents and older children are thinking about their own responsibilities during this time of year. The ground is defrosting, in the North anyhow, and spring is starting to show itself. It is a time we look forward to in warming up weather, renewal of our own lives and preparing for some new growth on the earth. This time of year may have many meanings to many people, but there was one event that took place around 2000 years ago, that would change this world forever. This week we will talk about Christ, His sacrifice and resurrection for the forgiveness of our sins, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Was He the Son of God? No doubt. Was He a man on earth? No doubt. Was He resurrected to conquer death? There is no doubt in my mind! He did this all to give us hope, not only to make it through the tough times in this life, but to show us that God’s plan for us is much more long term than today or tomorrow. He has an Eternal plan for us! He wants us to live and reign with Him forever! Keep this in mind when you reflect on your part in this wonderful, but sometimes crazy world we live in today. God has a plan for you. He is not and will never give up on fulfilling His promises He has for you and me! Put your faith in Christ and He will lead you to your “Promised Land”!


Seven Steps to Freedom

Easter, Passover, Crucifixion – What does chocolate and rabbits have to do with Christ’s crucifixion? – Part 4

Easter, Passover, Crucifixion – What does chocolate and rabbits have to do with Christ’s crucifixion? – Part 4

It is coming the time of year when young children are thinking about Easter chocolate surprises, Easter morning and Parents and older children are thinking about their own responsibilities during this time of year. The ground is defrosting, in the North anyhow, and spring is starting to show itself. It is a time we look forward to in warming up weather, renewal of our own lives and preparing for some new growth on the earth. This time of year may have many meanings to many people, but there was one event that took place around 2000 years ago, that would change this world forever. This week we will talk about Christ, His sacrifice and resurrection for the forgiveness of our sins, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Answers for some of the questions we have, may not always be readily available, but if we take time to reflect, talk to others, pray and dig into God’s Word, I think you will find that the answers will come. I think most importantly we should remember that we have a Living, Loving God, who gave His Son, Jesus Christ, to come down to earth to show us what life can become. We serve a God that is alive, that has a plan for us, and that loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son to die for our sins. Not only this, but He resurrected Him to show us that we have the same opportunity as Christ! That is that we have an opportunity to have eternal life, through faith in Christ (John 3:16)! Are you ready to give your life over to Christ and follow His Eternal plan for you?

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Easter, Passover, Crucifixion – What does chocolate and rabbits have to do with Christ’s crucifixion? – Part 3

Easter, Passover, Crucifixion – What does chocolate and rabbits have to do with Christ’s crucifixion? – Part 3

It is coming the time of year when young children are thinking about Easter chocolate surprises, Easter morning and Parents and older children are thinking about their own responsibilities during this time of year. The ground is defrosting, in the North anyhow, and spring is starting to show itself. It is a time we look forward to in warming up weather, renewal of our own lives and preparing for some new growth on the earth. This time of year may have many meanings to many people, but there was one event that took place around 2000 years ago, that would change this world forever. This week we will talk about Christ, His sacrifice and resurrection for the forgiveness of our sins, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Of course, more popularly, at least in the majority of Christianity today, Lent, is spent as a time of reflection and “fasting” of some sort, to remember Christ’s 40 days in the wilderness when He was fasting. But this can be a time of more than just fasting, it can be a time of reflection and questioning. What direction am I or you heading in on our life’s journey? What do we look forward to over this year ahead? Are you headed on the right course, or do you need to adjust your bearings some? This is our opportunity to question what do we really want to do with this wonderful gift of life God has given us? Or better question yet, what does God want to do with our lives?

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Easter, Passover, Crucifixion – What does chocolate and rabbits have to do with Christ’s crucifixion? – Part 2

Easter, Passover, Crucifixion – What does chocolate and rabbits have to do with Christ’s crucifixion? – Part 2

It is coming the time of year when young children are thinking about Easter chocolate surprises, Easter morning and Parents and older children are thinking about their own responsibilities during this time of year. The ground is defrosting, in the North anyhow, and spring is starting to show itself. It is a time we look forward to in warming up weather, renewal of our own lives and preparing for some new growth on the earth. This time of year may have many meanings to many people, but there was one event that took place around 2000 years ago, that would change this world forever. This week we will talk about Christ, His sacrifice and resurrection for the forgiveness of our sins, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Next, since growing older and desiring to learn more about who Christ actually was I found out that His crucifixion was simple, but there was more background and symbolism to it then I had known as a child. I learned that He was crucified on Passover which was an Israelite festival, celebrated by slaughtering the Passover lamb, originally for laying the blood on the door posts to protect the Israelites during the “Plague of death” in the Exodus story (Exodus 12:23). Not only this, but there were days after the Passover that were instituted to represent removing sin from our lives, “The days of unleavened bread” (Exodus 34:18; Deuteronomy 16:3; 1 Corinthians 5:7, 8). This is what makes me think a little more about what Christ did for us and what He is asking us to do for Him and others!

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Easter, Passover, Crucifixion – What does chocolate and rabbits have to do with Christ’s crucifixion? – Part 1

Easter, Passover, Crucifixion – What does chocolate and rabbits have to do with Christ’s crucifixion? – Part 1

It is coming the time of year when young children are thinking about Easter chocolate surprises, Easter morning and Parents and older children are thinking about their own responsibilities during this time of year. The ground is defrosting, in the North anyhow, and spring is starting to show itself. It is a time we look forward to in warming up weather, renewal of our own lives and preparing for some new growth on the earth. This time of year may have many meanings to many people, but there was one event that took place around 2000 years ago, that would change this world forever. This week we will talk about Christ, His sacrifice and resurrection for the forgiveness of our sins, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice.

First, I will admit this time of year did not mean much to me spiritually during my teens and early 20’s. I was just happy that warmer weather was coming along so I could wear shorts again and spend more time outside in the sun. But now that I am a “little” more mature, this time of year has become one of much deeper meaning and a time of reflection. When I was young I looked forward to chocolate on Easter morning, and I suppose I had a childlike understanding that Christ had died on the cross and was resurrected for me to have life! But beyond that I did not think into it too much.

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection in a Nutshell – Part 4

Jesus Crucifixion and Resurrection in a Nutshell – Part 4

It will be shown below by various verses throughout the 4 gospels around the time of Jesus crucifixion and resurrection that He was indeed dead for three days and nights, as told by Him using the sign of Jonah (Matthew 12:40).

Now, Mary Magdalene and Mary with others went to the tomb early on the first day of the week and Jesus was already gone (Luke 24:1)! Praise God!

If we work our way backwards from that morning or better later the night before and remember that His crucifixion took place around 3pm on a certain day of the week. A good educated guess of His crucifixion day would be Wednesday afternoon!

To learn more about whom this Man, Jesus, is and what He has planned for our lives, read the book “Seven Steps to Freedom”!

As the Bible says, “prove all things, hold fast to that which is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21).

Are you up for the challenge?

God bless,


Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection in a Nutshell – Part 3

Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection in a Nutshell – Part 3

It will be shown below by various verses throughout the 4 gospels around the time of Jesus crucifixion and resurrection that He was indeed dead for three days and nights, as told by Him using the sign of Jonah (Matthew 12:40)…cont’d.

After this, was another preparation day in which Mary, Mary Magdalene and Salome bought some spices to prepare to anoint Jesus (Mark 16:1). They were again, buying these spices the day before a Sabbath, but not a High day, likely the weekly Sabbath, Saturday (Luke 23:56).


Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection in a Nutshell – Part 2

Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection in a Nutshell – Part 2

It will be shown below by various verses throughout the 4 gospels around the time of Jesus crucifixion and resurrection that He was indeed dead for three days and nights, as told by Him using the sign of Jonah (Matthew 12:40)…cont’d.

The day after was a Special Jewish Sabbath day, a high day, which is not to be confused with the weekly Sabbath that the Jews observe on Saturday. This High day in particular was the first day of Unleavened bread (John 19:31).


Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection in a Nutshell – Part 1

Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection in a Nutshell – Part 1

It will be shown below by various verses throughout the 4 gospels around the time of Jesus crucifixion and resurrection that He was indeed dead for three days and nights, as told by Him using the sign of Jonah (Matthew 12:40).

First let us start at the Passover dinner the night of His betrayal. The night of His betrayal, He spent time at Passover supper with His disciples, at which time He gave up His life, by answering Judas what he must do (Mathew 26:25). Although His physical body was still alive, He would have almost certainly felt death lingering around Him. This was the beginning of His ultimate understanding and feeling of taking all of our sins on Him as the eternal Passover lamb (Matthew 26:38)! His conversations with the Father make this very evident (Mark 14:36).

The next morning He was given into the hands of His accusers and prepared for physical death on the cross for us (Mark 14:41). This day was still the day of Passover, as a Jewish Day always starts the night before (Genesis 1:5)! So Jesus Christ was physically crucified on the Passover day and physically died around the 9th hour, 3 pm, (Mark 15:34).

Now, Jesus was then laid in a tomb owned by a faithful believer Joseph (Luke 23:53)…more to come.
