Criticism: Constructive, Destructive, or Opinions – How can you use all types of criticism to benefit your life here on earth? – Part 5

Criticism: Constructive, Destructive, or Opinions – How can you use all types of criticism to benefit your life here on earth? – Part 5

The tongue is a powerful muscle. It is used for one of our five senses. It helps us breath, but most importantly it is used to communicate our thoughts with others. And it is those thoughts that help define a person and how they get along in the world. We all have thoughts and opinions, but how do our thoughts affect other people? This week we will tackle the topic of criticism; constructive, destructive and opinions in general, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Last, just because someone is older than you does not necessarily mean they have all of the answers. This is where authority and responsibilities come in, because especially as children we look up to our elders. However, it is possible to be given knowledge or “intelligence” that others older than yourself do not necessarily have. In this case, we may become the teachers in some areas of life. There is a specific verse in the Bible that suggests how to go about working with and helping elders. It goes “Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father” (1 Timothy 5:1).


Seven Steps to Freedom

Criticism: Constructive, Destructive, or Opinions – How can you use all types of criticism to benefit your life here on earth? – Part 4

Criticism: Constructive, Destructive, or Opinions – How can you use all types of criticism to benefit your life here on earth? – Part 4

The tongue is a powerful muscle. It is used for one of our five senses. It helps us breath, but most importantly it is used to communicate our thoughts with others. And it is those thoughts that help define a person and how they get along in the world. We all have thoughts and opinions, but how do our thoughts affect other people? This week we will tackle the topic of criticism; constructive, destructive and opinions in general, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Now let’s talk about destructive criticism. Anything said negatively towards someone could be considered destructive, it could even be as simple as a gesture or a snicker. But this is the type of criticism that is negative, which I can say I have been guilty of myself at times.  The easiest way to explain it is in the context of school yard bullying and can take place in the work environment and even with the care of the sick and elderly. That is why the Bible focus’s so much on taking care of the oppressed, but their reward is explained in the beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-11).

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Criticism: Constructive, Destructive, or Opinions – How can you use all types of criticism to benefit your life here on earth? – Part 3

Criticism: Constructive, Destructive, or Opinions – How can you use all types of criticism to benefit your life here on earth? – Part 3

The tongue is a powerful muscle. It is used for one of our five senses. It helps us breath, but most importantly it is used to communicate our thoughts with others. And it is those thoughts that help define a person and how they get along in the world. We all have thoughts and opinions, but how do our thoughts affect other people? This week we will tackle the topic of criticism; constructive, destructive and opinions in general, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice….cont’d.

I ought to listen as much as anyone else about this next section. But as was mentioned earlier, we should be, “quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to wrath” (James 1:19). Many times in the Bible it is mentioned that we ought to listen first and speak after. Too many times have I spoken out of turn and this has resulted in at the least of times missed required information. But at the worst of times I have frustrated the other person beyond what they could bear in that moment. Have you ever been in those circumstances, when the person who is trying to teach you something is turning red in the face and is starting to shake? That may be a cue to listen up and pray for their patience and forgiveness!

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Criticism: Constructive, Destructive, or Opinions – How can you use all types of criticism to benefit your life here on earth? – Part 2

Criticism: Constructive, Destructive, or Opinions – How can you use all types of criticism to benefit your life here on earth? – Part 2

The tongue is a powerful muscle. It is used for one of our five senses. It helps us breath, but most importantly it is used to communicate our thoughts with others. And it is those thoughts that help define a person and how they get along in the world. We all have thoughts and opinions, but how do our thoughts affect other people? This week we will tackle the topic of criticism; constructive, destructive and opinions in general, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Next, let’s talk about, Jesus and an adulterous woman, as an example of receiving criticism and how they reacted. The example we will use is that of Jesus defending an adulterous woman (John 8:1-11). He was in the temple court one day teaching those around Him, when the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in the act of adultery (John 8:2-5). The Mosaic Law, Old Testament, said that the adulterous man and woman were to be stoned to death (Leviticus 20:10). However Jesus took this chance to show the grace of God and His forgiveness. First He started to write in the sand, but they repeatedly asked Him what ought to be done (John 8:6). So He simply stated, “Whoever amongst you who does not have sin, let him cast the first stone” (John 8:7). When they realized they were defeated, they left one by one, until no one was left but Jesus and the woman (John 8:8, 9). So Jesus said to the woman, “Has no one condemned you?” And she answered, “No”. So through God’s grace, Jesus, the Son of God, said, “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more” (John 8:10, 11).

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Criticism: Constructive, Destructive, or Opinions – How can you use all types of criticism to benefit your life here on earth? – Part 1

Criticism: Constructive, Destructive, or Opinions – How can you use all types of criticism to benefit your life here on earth? – Part 1

The tongue is a powerful muscle. It is used for one of our five senses. It helps us breath, but most importantly it is used to communicate our thoughts with others. And it is those thoughts that help define a person and how they get along in the world. We all have thoughts and opinions, but how do our thoughts affect other people? This week we will tackle the topic of criticism; constructive, destructive and opinions in general, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice.

First, let us define criticism. says that Criticism is: “1. the act of passing judgment as to the merits of anything”. So criticism is not necessarily a bad thing. It is simply put “the passing of judgment”. But there are righteous judgements and wicked judgements. Just like there is constructive criticism and negative criticism. However, just because there is such a thing as negative criticism it does not mean you have to let that criticism control you. No matter how critical a person or people are of us we need to listen and find the little tidbit of positive out of any situation (Ephesians 4:29).

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom