Drinking, being sober and the Bible – Part 3

Drinking, being sober and the Bible – Part 3

I suppose this article could be about more than just alcohol as there seems to be a long list of mood altering and pain relieving remedies available in the world today. Nevertheless, in this post I will speak from experience and let you project the idea’s into your life circumstances. And before I get into it too far, I would suggest, if you are reading or listening to this and your dependencies have gone on beyond your control and you need help. There are multiple organizations in our world, Thank God, that will help you with substance dependencies concerns. A doctor, a trusted friend and/or prayer is a great start. Never the less, this week I will talk about the topic of drinking, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

However, if you think you are being called by the Lord to live a life of sobriety or at least a controlled dependency on substances like alcohol, He can and will help you with that. It may be through a community group such as AA or it could be a doctor or some other form of fellowship. We all need support on our daily walk with God in this life. He never intended us to live this life alone. So if you think you need to make a change in your daily habits, put your trust in Him first. God through the healing power of Jesus Christ will deliver you from any chains of bondage you need or desire to get free from in this life. It will take a life time to follow Christ, but He is worth it!


Seven Steps to Freedom

Drinking, being sober and the Bible – Part 2

Drinking, being sober and the Bible – Part 2

I suppose this article could be about more than just alcohol as there seems to be a long list of mood altering and pain relieving remedies available in the world today. Nevertheless, in this post I will speak from experience and let you project the idea’s into your life circumstances. And before I get into it too far, I would suggest, if you are reading or listening to this and your dependencies have gone on beyond your control and you need help. There are multiple organizations in our world, Thank God, that will help you with substance dependencies concerns. A doctor, a trusted friend and/or prayer is a great start. Never the less, this week I will talk about the topic of drinking, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Next, there are a multitude of verses, both in the New and Old Testament about drinking, how to drink responsibly, who should be drinking and who should not (Proverbs 20:1, Proverbs 31:4-8, Psalm 104:14, 15, Ecclesiastes 9:7, Ephesians 5:18, Romans 13:13, etc.). Not to mention the fact that different people have different “levels” of tolerance depending on their size and weight. Nevertheless, we are called to be sober and vigilant in our daily walk with Christ and others (1 Peter 5:7-8, 1 Corinthians 15:34). Alcohol or any substance dependencies can be a touchy subject, we all have to make our own choices in what is best for ourselves and the people around us. Sometimes that means sobering up and other times that may mean thinking twice before we have another one. The point is that we all have the opportunity to make our choices and live as we see fit. God gave us the freedom of choice and that includes what we put into our bodies.

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Drinking, being sober and the Bible – Part 1

Drinking, being sober and the Bible – Part 1

I suppose this article could be about more than just alcohol as there seems to be a long list of mood altering and pain relieving remedies available in the world today. Nevertheless, in this post I will speak from experience and let you project the idea’s into your life circumstances. And before I get into it too far, I would suggest, if you are reading or listening to this and your dependencies have gone on beyond your control and you need help. There are multiple organizations in our world, Thank God, that will help you with substance dependencies concerns. A doctor, a trusted friend and/or prayer is a great start. Never the less, this week I will talk about the topic of drinking, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice.

First, the use of alcohol is probably as old as human history itself. So there are no surprises there. Noah is the first example that I can recall of alcohol usage mentioned in the Bible. After the flood Noah must have spent some time cultivating grapes and eventually produced wine (Genesis 9:21). And wine itself is said to have certain healing qualities to it, including antioxidants from the grape skins. In particular there is one New Testament verse that speaks of “taking a little bit of wine instead of water for sickness” (1 Timothy 5:23). Not to mention that Jesus turned water into wine and of great quality at a wedding (John 2:1-11). And He was accused of being a wine bibber Himself (Matthew 11:19).

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom