The race of a lifetime… – Part 3

The race of a lifetime… – Part 3

When I was younger I used to run quite a bit. I have played various sports in my life including soccer, but running seems to be one of the athletic constants in my life. It is a very interesting analogy to use in competition and regarding our relationship with God and others here on earth, as the Bible does indeed use this comparison with Paul (Hebrews 12:1). This week I will talk about competition using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Last, the Bible admonishes in many places about taking it “day by day”. As Jesus said, “Sufficient are the evils of today, let tomorrow worry about tomorrow” (Matt. 6:34). We may make plans for days, weeks, months and even years ahead, but there is no guarantee that these plans are going to be fulfilled, especially if they are not in line with God’s desires for us (Psalm 146:4, James 4:13, 14). Regarding individual goal setting, it is important to set goals and character development in accordance with God desires…we cannot measure ourselves with others accurately, because we all have our own gifts, weakness, experience, etc. (Romans 12:4, 5, Gal. 1:10, Eph. 6:7, 8). We certainly can use other “godly” people as examples, but God is the best example we have, so why not use Him as the standard (Col. 3:23, 24)? This is why Jesus came, to give us a true and righteous standard to live up to, not an earthly goal only, but a heavenly, eternal goal! Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things will be added to you (Matt. 6:33)!


Seven Steps to Freedom

Time, Times, and a Dividing of Time – What did John really see?

The race of a lifetime… – Part 2

The race of a lifetime… – Part 2

When I was younger I used to run quite a bit. I have played various sports in my life including soccer, but running seems to be one of the athletic constants in my life. It is a very interesting analogy to use in competition and regarding our relationship with God and others here on earth, as the Bible does indeed use this comparison with Paul (Hebrews 12:1). This week I will talk about competition using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

It is great to have goals and milestones, but we need to do them for God and for ourselves first, if we are constantly trying to measure ourselves up to other people’s standards, we will constantly disappoint ourselves (Col. 3:17, 23; Eph. 6:7). God’s standards and human standards are not even in the same “ballpark” as each other (Isaiah 55:8, 9). It is important to have goals and work toward them, but setting godly goals for ourselves, not necessarily for others first is important. I have often heard about the comparison, which is taught for putting on an oxygen mask in the plane in case of emergency, we need to put ours on first and then help our fellow passenger with theirs. If we are not healthy enough to help others what good are we to this world? Of course there has to be some spiritual discernment here, because helping oneself could turn into a selfish act and way of living, but God still desires us to take care of ourselves for His sake, for our own and others (1 Cor. 6:19, 20).

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Time, Times, and a Dividing of Time – What did John really see?

The race of a lifetime… – Part 1

The race of a lifetime… – Part 1

When I was younger I used to run quite a bit. I have played various sports in my life including soccer, but running seems to be one of the athletic constants in my life. It is a very interesting analogy to use in competition and regarding our relationship with God and others here on earth, as the Bible does indeed use this comparison with Paul (Hebrews 12:1). This week I will talk about competition using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice.

As I had said, I used to run competitively in school. One of the lessons I learned amongst many are that a runner needs to pace themselves, get into a rhythm, both of breathing and in stride in order to find that “zone”, where the pain is almost none existent or at least a part of the “adrenaline” rush. Another is aiming for targets; I used to break up my runs into smaller “milestones”. I would pick a point ahead of me and run to that point, and then set a new goal once I reached that point. The idea is that life is like this, an endurance race; there are many milestones, with peaks and valleys that can bring about great rewards and some disappointments. Neither are we racing alone, but all the other “competitors” are not always in the same position as us in this race. And not all the competitors are running to win against one another, but sometimes we are racing to better our former “best time” for a race. This is why it is great to have a companion to run with, and this starts with God.

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Time, Times, and a Dividing of Time – What did John really see?

Time, Eternity and Life – Part 3

Time, Eternity and Life – What do we have time for in our lives? – Part 3

The concept of time is easy enough to understand in this world. We have years that are marked by revolving around the sun, seasons that are marked by the change in weather and months, days, hours, minutes and seconds that are kept through calendars, the moon and various other time keeping devices. But what about the greater concept of time in respect to our daily lives in living out our lives here on earth and eternity? How ought we to experience and appreciate the time we are given here on earth as short as it can seem to be? This week I will talk about time using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Last, as far as our lives go, we ought to be giving our time up to the Saviour to control. It is a daily battle to become less concerned with ourselves and more with the desires of our Creator, God. We can do this by spending time with Him daily in His Holy Scriptures, through prayer and quiet time and through praise, worship and fellowship with other believers. Psalm 22:3 says, “But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.” (KJV). Is this not a wonderful truth, God inhabits our praises! We can speak and think God thoughts! The key is to allow the Holy Spirit to indwell and work through us, along with the saving power of Jesus Christ, nothing can stop you from His love and His plans for you (Romans 8:38, 39)!


Seven Steps to Freedom

Time, Eternity and Life – Part 2

Time, Eternity and Life – What do we have time for in our lives? – Part 2

The concept of time is easy enough to understand in this world. We have years that are marked by revolving around the sun, seasons that are marked by the change in weather and months, days, hours, minutes and seconds that are kept through calendars, the moon and various other time keeping devices. But what about the greater concept of time in respect to our daily lives in living out our lives here on earth and eternity? How ought we to experience and appreciate the time we are given here on earth as short as it can seem to be? This week I will talk about time using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Next, according to the Bible the way we view time seems to be quite different than the way God see’s time. The most interesting verse is in Isaiah 57:15, where it says, He is “…one who inhabits eternity,…” (KJV). There are a couple other verses in the Bible that talk about God’s view of time, one of them being that “A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.” (Psalm 90:4). The point is, that how we spend time here on earth, especially the times we do not necessarily want to remember, are like a distant memory to God (1 Corinthians 13:5).

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Time, Eternity and Life – Part 1

Time, Eternity and Life – What do we have time for in our lives? – Part 1

The concept of time is easy enough to understand in this world. We have years that are marked by revolving around the sun, seasons that are marked by the change in weather and months, days, hours, minutes and seconds that are kept through calendars, the moon and various other time keeping devices. But what about the greater concept of time in respect to our daily lives in living out our lives here on earth and eternity? How ought we to experience and appreciate the time we are given here on earth as short as it can seem to be? This week I will talk about time using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

First, let’s talk about time according to the Bible. The first mention of time was at the beginning of creation. God had a seven day timeline for His creation here on earth. And on the seventh day He rested, not only for Himself, but for His creation as well and made it Holy (Genesis 2:2, 3). This is the first indication that God is a worker, but also rests and gives rest (Mark 2:27)!

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Easter, Passover, Crucifixion – What does chocolate and rabbits have to do with Christ’s crucifixion? – Part 5

Easter, Passover, Crucifixion – What does chocolate and rabbits have to do with Christ’s crucifixion? – Part 5

It is coming the time of year when young children are thinking about Easter chocolate surprises, Easter morning and Parents and older children are thinking about their own responsibilities during this time of year. The ground is defrosting, in the North anyhow, and spring is starting to show itself. It is a time we look forward to in warming up weather, renewal of our own lives and preparing for some new growth on the earth. This time of year may have many meanings to many people, but there was one event that took place around 2000 years ago, that would change this world forever. This week we will talk about Christ, His sacrifice and resurrection for the forgiveness of our sins, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Was He the Son of God? No doubt. Was He a man on earth? No doubt. Was He resurrected to conquer death? There is no doubt in my mind! He did this all to give us hope, not only to make it through the tough times in this life, but to show us that God’s plan for us is much more long term than today or tomorrow. He has an Eternal plan for us! He wants us to live and reign with Him forever! Keep this in mind when you reflect on your part in this wonderful, but sometimes crazy world we live in today. God has a plan for you. He is not and will never give up on fulfilling His promises He has for you and me! Put your faith in Christ and He will lead you to your “Promised Land”!


Seven Steps to Freedom

Easter, Passover, Crucifixion – What does chocolate and rabbits have to do with Christ’s crucifixion? – Part 4

Easter, Passover, Crucifixion – What does chocolate and rabbits have to do with Christ’s crucifixion? – Part 4

It is coming the time of year when young children are thinking about Easter chocolate surprises, Easter morning and Parents and older children are thinking about their own responsibilities during this time of year. The ground is defrosting, in the North anyhow, and spring is starting to show itself. It is a time we look forward to in warming up weather, renewal of our own lives and preparing for some new growth on the earth. This time of year may have many meanings to many people, but there was one event that took place around 2000 years ago, that would change this world forever. This week we will talk about Christ, His sacrifice and resurrection for the forgiveness of our sins, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Answers for some of the questions we have, may not always be readily available, but if we take time to reflect, talk to others, pray and dig into God’s Word, I think you will find that the answers will come. I think most importantly we should remember that we have a Living, Loving God, who gave His Son, Jesus Christ, to come down to earth to show us what life can become. We serve a God that is alive, that has a plan for us, and that loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son to die for our sins. Not only this, but He resurrected Him to show us that we have the same opportunity as Christ! That is that we have an opportunity to have eternal life, through faith in Christ (John 3:16)! Are you ready to give your life over to Christ and follow His Eternal plan for you?

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Easter, Passover, Crucifixion – What does chocolate and rabbits have to do with Christ’s crucifixion? – Part 3

Easter, Passover, Crucifixion – What does chocolate and rabbits have to do with Christ’s crucifixion? – Part 3

It is coming the time of year when young children are thinking about Easter chocolate surprises, Easter morning and Parents and older children are thinking about their own responsibilities during this time of year. The ground is defrosting, in the North anyhow, and spring is starting to show itself. It is a time we look forward to in warming up weather, renewal of our own lives and preparing for some new growth on the earth. This time of year may have many meanings to many people, but there was one event that took place around 2000 years ago, that would change this world forever. This week we will talk about Christ, His sacrifice and resurrection for the forgiveness of our sins, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Of course, more popularly, at least in the majority of Christianity today, Lent, is spent as a time of reflection and “fasting” of some sort, to remember Christ’s 40 days in the wilderness when He was fasting. But this can be a time of more than just fasting, it can be a time of reflection and questioning. What direction am I or you heading in on our life’s journey? What do we look forward to over this year ahead? Are you headed on the right course, or do you need to adjust your bearings some? This is our opportunity to question what do we really want to do with this wonderful gift of life God has given us? Or better question yet, what does God want to do with our lives?

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Easter, Passover, Crucifixion – What does chocolate and rabbits have to do with Christ’s crucifixion? – Part 2

Easter, Passover, Crucifixion – What does chocolate and rabbits have to do with Christ’s crucifixion? – Part 2

It is coming the time of year when young children are thinking about Easter chocolate surprises, Easter morning and Parents and older children are thinking about their own responsibilities during this time of year. The ground is defrosting, in the North anyhow, and spring is starting to show itself. It is a time we look forward to in warming up weather, renewal of our own lives and preparing for some new growth on the earth. This time of year may have many meanings to many people, but there was one event that took place around 2000 years ago, that would change this world forever. This week we will talk about Christ, His sacrifice and resurrection for the forgiveness of our sins, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Next, since growing older and desiring to learn more about who Christ actually was I found out that His crucifixion was simple, but there was more background and symbolism to it then I had known as a child. I learned that He was crucified on Passover which was an Israelite festival, celebrated by slaughtering the Passover lamb, originally for laying the blood on the door posts to protect the Israelites during the “Plague of death” in the Exodus story (Exodus 12:23). Not only this, but there were days after the Passover that were instituted to represent removing sin from our lives, “The days of unleavened bread” (Exodus 34:18; Deuteronomy 16:3; 1 Corinthians 5:7, 8). This is what makes me think a little more about what Christ did for us and what He is asking us to do for Him and others!

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom