Jesus, Nativity and Mistletoe – What is the history of Christmas and how should it affect you? – Part 5

Jesus, Nativity and Mistletoe – What is the history of Christmas and how should it affect you? – Part 5

When I first started seriously asking questions about the Bible, God and Jesus, I received some answers I never expected and it has taken me years to develop my own view about Christ, His teachings and the Bible. And I will admit, I still do not have it all figured out… But one of the doctrines I have been fighting about with myself and family for the last few years is Christmas, whether or not it is Biblical and what to do about it. This week we will talk about the topic of Christmas, its history, what it means and what you can do about it, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Last, keep in your mind why you do the things you do, and why you celebrate the “feasts” you do. If there is a positive God given connection, then no harm no foul (Romans 14:4-5). If there are some negative connections you may have with this time of the year, address them and turn them into positives! It is only a couple of days at most out of the year. Make them joyful ones’. As the Bible says, “Rejoice in the Lord always” (Philippians 4:4)! And on a purely physical level, it is always a good idea to refrain from overindulgence of candy, food or alcohol for your health’s sake and with alcohol, the health of those around you, because of irresponsible driving. So as the saying goes, do your best to “keep Christ in Christmas” this year and in the years to come, until the whole world knows Christ reigns as King of Kings and Lord of Lords!


Seven Steps to Freedom

Jesus, Nativity and Mistletoe – What is the history of Christmas and how should it affect you? – Part 4

Jesus, Nativity and Mistletoe – What is the history of Christmas and how should it affect you? – Part 4

When I first started seriously asking questions about the Bible, God and Jesus, I received some answers I never expected and it has taken me years to develop my own view about Christ, His teachings and the Bible. And I will admit, I still do not have it all figured out… But one of the doctrines I have been fighting about with myself and family for the last few years is Christmas, whether or not it is Biblical and what to do about it. This week we will talk about the topic of Christmas, its history, what it means and what you can do about it, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Now, the majority of Christianity connects this time of year with Christ’s birth. So let’s talk about it… First, He was born of a virgin (Matthew 1:18). His mother almost was banished because of the fact that she was pregnant before she was actually married to Joseph (Matthew 1:19-25). Jesus was born in a barn, cannot get more humble beginnings than that (Luke 2:7). Joseph, Mary and young Jesus moved to Egypt for a time to get away from the evil Herod, who heard the prophecy that a king was to be born (Matthew 2:13-15). And last, at some point after Jesus’ birth, He was visited by the three wise men. And they confirmed His miraculous fulfillment of prophecy in the Old Testament and their understanding by bringing Him gifts to recognize His pre-eminence as a King (Matthew 2:1-11)! Not only that but the King of Kings! Our Lord and Saviour!

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Jesus, Nativity and Mistletoe – What is the history of Christmas and how should it affect you? – Part 3

Jesus, Nativity and Mistletoe – What is the history of Christmas and how should it affect you? – Part 3

When I first started seriously asking questions about the Bible, God and Jesus, I received some answers I never expected and it has taken me years to develop my own view about Christ, His teachings and the Bible. And I will admit, I still do not have it all figured out… But one of the doctrines I have been fighting about with myself and family for the last few years is Christmas, whether or not it is Biblical and what to do about it. This week we will talk about the topic of Christmas, its history, what it means and what you can do about it, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

So we have those two truths and now, there are some who do not celebrate Christmas because of the knowledge of its ancient roots mentioned earlier. But what can we do about it? First, I do not believe there is any hard fast rule, Biblical or otherwise that we must celebrate Christmas to be a Christian. However, as I have learned one’s opinion and expressing it to others is two different things. So, how can we go about obeying God and Christ and get along with everyone else while doing it? Well, Proverbs 3:6 says, “In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” (KJV). With that being said, I will spend the last bit of this post talking about Christ and the miracle of His birth over 2000 years ago.

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Jesus, Nativity and Mistletoe – What is the history of Christmas and how should it affect you? – Part 2

Jesus, Nativity and Mistletoe – What is the history of Christmas and how should it affect you? – Part 2

When I first started seriously asking questions about the Bible, God and Jesus, I received some answers I never expected and it has taken me years to develop my own view about Christ, His teachings and the Bible. And I will admit, I still do not have it all figured out… But one of the doctrines I have been fighting about with myself and family for the last few years is Christmas, whether or not it is Biblical and what to do about it. This week we will talk about the topic of Christmas, its history, what it means and what you can do about it, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Next, the Jews celebrate a holiday called, Hanukkah, during this time of year. If you do not already know, this holiday is about a miracle that took place over 2000 years ago, just before Christ’s physical time here on earth. The holiday is about a miracle that is explained in Maccabees time, not a “canonized” Biblical text, but as the story goes, the Jews were fighting against the Roman and Greek governing bodies, namely Antiochus of Syria, and did not have enough oil to sustain the ritual lamps. Miraculously the lamps stayed lit for the 8 days required, until they could make more oil to supply its burning. There is much more to this story and note it is not “canonized” Bible teaching strictly speaking, but miracles happen every day that are not mentioned in the Bible. So no judgements made from my point of view.

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom