Mental, Physical and Spiritual – What does the Bible say about all aspects of your health? – Part 5

Mental, Physical and Spiritual – What does the Bible say about all aspects of your health? – Part 5

We have been given a wonderful gift, which is life! Our bodies, brains and souls were a gift to us from above. So if we are intrusted with ourselves through the very creation of our own bodies. Should we not also know how to treat ourselves to properly live our lives as long as possible? Although I will not get exhaustive in this article about what the Bible says about our health I will hit some of the main points. Especially on physical health and how we should treat our bodies, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Last, there is not one specific thing a person should do to live a healthy life. Except that the Bible is very explicit about what to do in order to live a long life! That is to obey God (Deuteronomy 5:33). In the New Testament era you can do this through developing a relationship with Christ, through prayer, worship and fellowship with other believers. Of course, this was also the standard in the Old Testament era as well, but that was before Christ had come to show us a fleshly example of what God is all about! So give it a try, what do you have to lose?


Seven Steps to Freedom

Mental, Physical and Spiritual – What does the Bible say about all aspects of your health? – Part 4

Mental, Physical and Spiritual – What does the Bible say about all aspects of your health? – Part 4

We have been given a wonderful gift, which is life! Our bodies, brains and souls were a gift to us from above. So if we are intrusted with ourselves through the very creation of our own bodies. Should we not also know how to treat ourselves to properly live our lives as long as possible? Although I will not get exhaustive in this article about what the Bible says about our health I will hit some of the main points. Especially on physical health and how we should treat our bodies, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

We have talked about physical health, both the food and exercise; now let’s talk about mental health. The mind is an incredible tool. If it is used properly it can drive us to do some amazing things. But how do we keep it healthy? Well, that can be a loaded question, but I have often heard, “what you allow into your mind is what you get out”. There is a Bible verse that speaks of this specifically referring to the “eye”. “Your eye is the light of your body…if your eye is evil, your whole body shall be full of darkness” (Matt. 6:22,23). So keep in mind the things you allow your eye to view, whether it is on the internet, television or anywhere else in the world. As the Bible says, “Keep yourself unstained from the world” (James 1:27).

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Seven Steps to Freedom

Mental, Physical and Spiritual – What does the Bible say about all aspects of your health? – Part 3

Mental, Physical and Spiritual – What does the Bible say about all aspects of your health? – Part 3

We have been given a wonderful gift, which is life! Our bodies, brains and souls were a gift to us from above. So if we are intrusted with ourselves through the very creation of our own bodies. Should we not also know how to treat ourselves to properly live our lives as long as possible? Although I will not get exhaustive in this article about what the Bible says about our health I will hit some of the main points. Especially on physical health and how we should treat our bodies, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Now, let’s talk about drinking and eating habits in general. There are a couple of verses that pertain to these two topics. First, there is talk about not worrying about what you eat (Matthew 6:25). This is in reference to food in general, that we should not put a great focus on the food we eat, as God will provide it for us. Just like anything in life we can idolize food as well (Philippians 3:19). Now, I will not speak for people who have alcohol problems, as I once did, but there is a verse in the epistles that suggests to have a little wine instead of water (1 Timothy 5:23). But in general we are to be responsible with our drinking (Ephesians 5:18).

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Seven Steps to Freedom

Mental, Physical and Spiritual – What does the Bible say about all aspects of your health? – Part 2

Mental, Physical and Spiritual – What does the Bible say about all aspects of your health? – Part 2

We have been given a wonderful gift, which is life! Our bodies, brains and souls were a gift to us from above. So if we are intrusted with ourselves through the very creation of our own bodies. Should we not also know how to treat ourselves to properly live our lives as long as possible? Although I will not get exhaustive in this article about what the Bible says about our health I will hit some of the main points. Especially on physical health and how we should treat our bodies, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Next, let’s talk about exercise. Although physical exercise can be a very important part of maintaining a long life with proper cardiovascular work giving a strong heart and lowering the chances of heart disease. We must also focus on our spiritual strength as well. There are a couple of verse’s that talk about this section of our health. First, Proverbs 20:29 talks about the strength of the youth being their glory, whereas the elders are honoured through their experience and wisdom, “grey hair”. Also, there is a specific verse, 1 Timothy 4:8, which says, “Physical exercise profits little, spiritual exercise profits much…”

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Seven Steps to Freedom

Mental, Physical and Spiritual – What does the Bible say about all aspects of your health? – Part 1

Mental, Physical and Spiritual – What does the Bible say about all aspects of your health? – Part 1

We have been given a wonderful gift, which is life! Our bodies, brains and souls were a gift to us from above. So if we are intrusted with ourselves through the very creation of our own bodies. Should we not also know how to treat ourselves to properly live our lives as long as possible? Although I will not get exhaustive in this article about what the Bible says about our health I will hit some of the main points. Especially on physical health and how we should treat our bodies, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice.

First, let’s talk about the Bibles dietary laws. In the Old Testament, namely Leviticus 11, there is a long list of things we should and should not eat. The most common of which in our society is pork, but there are also bottom dwelling creatures in the sea that Leviticus 11 also suggests not to eat. There are specific reasons, that is, because of the way they dispose of toxins in their bodies.  You can read more in this article or others on the internet. Regardless of these laws, Paul mentions in Romans 14 that we are not to judge others because of their eating habits, and also to not have our eating habits cause others to stumble. So whatever you decide to eat, eat it for the Lord and enjoy it for the Lord (Romans 14:6)!

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Seven Steps to Freedom

Disease, Sickness and Health – Where do they come from and how can we solve them? – Part 5

Disease, Sickness and Health – Where do they come from and how can we solve them? – Part 5

Disease and sickness’s are nothing new. They have been around since the dawn of time. Plagues are recorded throughout history, including the black plague in the middle ages. There was tuberculosis in the 18th century of North America and of course there are a multitude of examples mentioned in the Bible, both in the New Testament and Old. One of the most notable is the lepers. In this article we will talk about Disease, Sickness and Health, Where they come from and how we can solve them, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Last, it is most important that we focus on both the spiritual and physical side of things when it comes to sickness and disease. If we are taking care of our mind and body, we have a much better chance of staying both spiritually and physically clean from disease and sickness’s, including mental diseases and sicknesses. This is where a daily habit of making right and healthy spiritual and physical choices comes in. In 1 Corinthians 6:19 it says, “…our bodies are the temple of God…”, should we not treat them in a holy manner?

To learn more about making right choices in your life and how to start or continue down the right path to spiritual and physical health, read my book, Seven Steps to Freedom.


Seven Steps to Freedom

Disease, Sickness and Health – Where do they come from and how can we solve them? – Part 4

Disease, Sickness and Health – Where do they come from and how can we solve them? – Part 4

Disease and sickness’s are nothing new. They have been around since the dawn of time. Plagues are recorded throughout history, including the black plague in the middle ages. There was tuberculosis in the 18th century of North America and of course there are a multitude of examples mentioned in the Bible, both in the New Testament and Old. One of the most notable is the lepers. In this article we will talk about Disease, Sickness and Health, Where they come from and how we can solve them, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Also, there is another story about Old Testament prophets, who were living in foreign lands under foreign rule and they were supposed to be living through the king’s provisions (Daniel 1:1-5). But in these provisions were meat that was not meant to be eaten according to their dietary laws (Daniel 1:8). At one point they had decided that they were going to prove their ability to be strong and healthy, while living on nothing but vegetables, not eating of the king’s provisions (Daniel 1:9-12). And then they would compare themselves to the others of the king’s subjects, who continued to eat the meat at the king’s table, and see who were stronger (Daniel 1:13, 14). The result was that they came out to be stronger after using their diet of vegetables (Daniel 1:15). So, the king allowed them to continue in their eating habits (Daniel 1:16).

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Disease, Sickness and Health – Where do they come from and how can we solve them? – Part 3

Disease, Sickness and Health – Where do they come from and how can we solve them? – Part 3

Disease and sickness’s are nothing new. They have been around since the dawn of time. Plagues are recorded throughout history, including the black plague in the middle ages. There was tuberculosis in the 18th century of North America and of course there are a multitude of examples mentioned in the Bible, both in the New Testament and Old. One of the most notable is the lepers. In this article we will talk about Disease, Sickness and Health, Where they come from and how we can solve them, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

So, where can we find solutions to disease and sickness? Well first there is physical exercise and healthy eating that is an easy enough physical solution. But what can we do beyond this? There are two verses that come to mind. The first suggests that, “…physical exercise profits little, but spiritual exercise profits much…” (1 Timothy 4:8). Next there is a verse that suggests, “…not to worry about, the food we eat…”, meaning do not worry about where it comes from (Matthew 6:25). But there are some dietary laws in the Old Testament that suggest the type of foods someone should eat (Leviticus 11). These laws may help with diseases such as Ebola, as many diseases are passed from animals to humans during consumption, contact with raw flesh or live animals.

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Seven Steps to Freedom

Disease, Sickness and Health – Where do they come from and how can we solve them? – Part 2

Disease, Sickness and Health – Where do they come from and how can we solve them? – Part 2

Disease and sickness’s are nothing new. They have been around since the dawn of time. Plagues are recorded throughout history, including the black plague in the middle ages. There was tuberculosis in the 18th century of North America and of course there are a multitude of examples mentioned in the Bible, both in the New Testament and Old. One of the most notable is the lepers. In this article we will talk about Disease, Sickness and Health, Where they come from and how we can solve them, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Next, let us talk about a New Testament example of a man who was blind from child birth (John 9). This of course is not a disease or sickness in the commonly known sense, but it is certainly a defection from the planned design and function of our created bodies (Psalm 139:14). In this story, Jesus heals a man who was blind from child birth (John 9:1). One of His disciples asked Him, who in his family has sinned to cause this (John 9:2)? As mentioned in Deuteronomy 28, sin/disobedience causes curses. But Jesus answered, that it was purposed that this happened so that the works of God could be manifested in his life (John 9:3). And that is when Jesus healed him (John 9:6, 7).

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Seven Steps to Freedom

Disease, Sickness and Health – Where do they come from and how can we solve them? – Part 1

Disease, Sickness and Health – Where do they come from and how can we solve them? – Part 1

Disease and sickness’s are nothing new. They have been around since the dawn of time. Plagues are recorded throughout history, including the black plague in the middle ages. There was tuberculosis in the 18th century of North America and of course there are a multitude of examples mentioned in the Bible, both in the New Testament and Old. One of the most notable is the lepers. In this article we will talk about Disease, Sickness and Health, Where they come from and how we can solve them, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice.

First, let us talk about current events; there is no shortage of disease and sickness throughout the world currently. Leprosy is still alive and well, HIV is under control, but the carriers of the disease are numerous. We have lime disease, flesh eating disease and the list goes on. The most recent news maker is, Ebola, a disease that kills at least 50% of people who contract it. With all of this illness where is it all coming from? In Deuteronomy 28, God speaks of blessings and cursing’s, blessings for obedience and cursing’s for disobedience. From Deuteronomy 28:21, 22 and 27, disease and plague are specifically mentioned.

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom