Women of the Bible – Jael

Women of the Bible – Jael

This article is not to counteract the feminist movement, but to add to it from a biblical perspective. There are many women in the Bible who did heroic deeds for Israel as will be shown…cont’d.

We first spoke of Deborah, who was mentioned in Judges, Chapter 4. The next woman who we will talk about is mentioned, not only in the same chapter, but also in the same event.

Some background, her name was Jael, although she was not likely an Israelite, this section of the story will show you that God does not only work through His “chosen people”, meaning Israelites. There are people throughout the world, including women of course, that God has spoken through and speaks through. Open your eyes to some of the evangelists on T.V. and you will see that God is calling people from all colours and creeds. Nevertheless, Jael was likely a Canaanite (Strong’s # 3278), and her husband was a Kenite (Judges 4:17), both of which are not descendants of Abraham, but from other ancient tribes from after the flood (Genesis 15:19).

Now to the point, Jael was in her tent, she saw that Sisera, the commander of the army Deborah and Barak were chasing, was running near. She comforted him and said “Turn aside, my lord, turn aside to me; do not fear.” (Judges 4:18) After this she gave him some milk and covered him with a blanket, to rest. While he was asleep she picked up a tent peg and hammer and drove the peg through his head (Judges 4:19–21). Next, Barak showed up and Jael spoke to him to show him the demise of the commander Barak searched out to destroy (Judges 4:22).

Although this is not the most pleasant of stories spoken of in the Bible, it just goes to show the strength and courage God can and does put into women. I should say that this article is not meant to suggest that women should do these types of things. However, on a simply spiritual level it is a good story of the courage God is able to give to anyone!

To learn more about how to maintain and strengthen your relationship with God, read “Seven Steps to Freedom” available at online bookstores and linked through the website below.

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom
