Part of the problem, solution or neutral… – Part 1

Part of the problem, solution or neutral… – Part 1

In the military, staying out of trouble meant being the “grey” man. This type of person does not say or do too much or too little. Just enough to be of use without looking like a “brown nosier” or a “sleuth”. And this has its roots in the Bible (Eccl. 10:11-15, 18). We can become zealous at times to a fault and attempt to bring things to pass that were either not meant to be or are not at the right time. Jesus did say seek and you shall find, but how far do we go and where do we go and whom do we seek to find the truth? And what are the results? This week I will talk about the topic of problem solving using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice.

In Jeremiah it says that if the heavens could be searched out above and the depths beneath that God’s covenant with Israel would be removed (Jeremiah 31:37). It is interesting that with science and technology today, these could come to pass. Whether or not mankind ever completely understands the heights of heaven and the depths of the earth entirely could be argued until the final judgement. However, as the Bible says, “…with God all things are possible” (Matt. 19:26). Nevertheless as individuals we can still do our part in bringing God’s plan for mankind here on earth and in eternity to come to pass. This will always start with accepting the true God and Jesus Christ as our Saviour and authority, above all else in heaven and in the earth.


Seven Steps to Freedom

Time, Times, and a Dividing of Time – What did John really see?

Being satisfied in all circumstances – Part 3

Being satisfied in all circumstances – What does that involve? – Part 3

The challenge of being content in all circumstance may be a lifelong challenge, but it is possible. God would not ask us to be content, if it were not possible. As I have mentioned before, the challenge is being content in the “worst” of circumstances. When you learn how to rejoice in suffering you have made it! This week I will talk about how to be satisfied in all circumstance, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Last, as I have said, contentment comes from our source, God, through the Holy Spirit; we “top up” our spirit by communing with other believers, reading the Bible, prayer and praise or listening to worship as well. Jesus said, if we were to keep quiet even the rocks would cry out in praise to God (Luke 19:40)! So even if you were the last person on earth, you would still be able to hear the praise of God through His “inanimate” creation, the rocks and streams and trees. In the constant noise of this ever integrating and expanding world, take a minute to listen to that still small voice that comes from seemingly nowhere (1 Kings 19:12). You will then know that you are indeed not alone in this world and you may realize that indeed you do have everything you will ever need with you and in you; to live here on earth and forever more with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and God our Father!


Seven Steps to Freedom

Being satisfied in all circumstances – Part 2

Being satisfied in all circumstances – What does that involve? – Part 2

The challenge of being content in all circumstance may be a lifelong challenge, but it is possible. God would not ask us to be content, if it were not possible. As I have mentioned before, the challenge is being content in the “worst” of circumstances. When you learn how to rejoice in suffering you have made it! This week I will talk about how to be satisfied in all circumstance, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Next, the word in the New Testament for satisfied is content. And the Greek word is “arkeo” and can also be considered as, unfailing strength, to be strong or to defend. A few of the places that it is used are in Luke 3:14, Phil. 4:11, 1 Tim. 6:8 and Heb. 13:5. Each verse suggests being “content” with what you have, with food, clothing, and your circumstances. But if you substitute “content” with be “strong” this can take on a new meaning. The point is, that God wants us not only to be satisfied or content, but strong in our circumstances in general, whatever they may be. And this strength can only come from putting our trust in Him!

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Being satisfied in all circumstances – Part 1

Being satisfied in all circumstances – What does that involve? – Part 1

The challenge of being content in all circumstance may be a lifelong challenge, but it is possible. God would not ask us to be content, if it were not possible. As I have mentioned before, the challenge is being content in the “worst” of circumstances. When you learn how to rejoice in suffering you have made it! This week I will talk about how to be satisfied in all circumstance, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice.

First, Philippians 4:8 is a perfect prescription for developing a mind that is satisfied regardless of who you are with, what your circumstances are or where you are at physically or spiritually. It says, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Time, Eternity and Life – Part 3

Time, Eternity and Life – What do we have time for in our lives? – Part 3

The concept of time is easy enough to understand in this world. We have years that are marked by revolving around the sun, seasons that are marked by the change in weather and months, days, hours, minutes and seconds that are kept through calendars, the moon and various other time keeping devices. But what about the greater concept of time in respect to our daily lives in living out our lives here on earth and eternity? How ought we to experience and appreciate the time we are given here on earth as short as it can seem to be? This week I will talk about time using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Last, as far as our lives go, we ought to be giving our time up to the Saviour to control. It is a daily battle to become less concerned with ourselves and more with the desires of our Creator, God. We can do this by spending time with Him daily in His Holy Scriptures, through prayer and quiet time and through praise, worship and fellowship with other believers. Psalm 22:3 says, “But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.” (KJV). Is this not a wonderful truth, God inhabits our praises! We can speak and think God thoughts! The key is to allow the Holy Spirit to indwell and work through us, along with the saving power of Jesus Christ, nothing can stop you from His love and His plans for you (Romans 8:38, 39)!


Seven Steps to Freedom

Time, Eternity and Life – Part 2

Time, Eternity and Life – What do we have time for in our lives? – Part 2

The concept of time is easy enough to understand in this world. We have years that are marked by revolving around the sun, seasons that are marked by the change in weather and months, days, hours, minutes and seconds that are kept through calendars, the moon and various other time keeping devices. But what about the greater concept of time in respect to our daily lives in living out our lives here on earth and eternity? How ought we to experience and appreciate the time we are given here on earth as short as it can seem to be? This week I will talk about time using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Next, according to the Bible the way we view time seems to be quite different than the way God see’s time. The most interesting verse is in Isaiah 57:15, where it says, He is “…one who inhabits eternity,…” (KJV). There are a couple other verses in the Bible that talk about God’s view of time, one of them being that “A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.” (Psalm 90:4). The point is, that how we spend time here on earth, especially the times we do not necessarily want to remember, are like a distant memory to God (1 Corinthians 13:5).

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Time, Eternity and Life – Part 1

Time, Eternity and Life – What do we have time for in our lives? – Part 1

The concept of time is easy enough to understand in this world. We have years that are marked by revolving around the sun, seasons that are marked by the change in weather and months, days, hours, minutes and seconds that are kept through calendars, the moon and various other time keeping devices. But what about the greater concept of time in respect to our daily lives in living out our lives here on earth and eternity? How ought we to experience and appreciate the time we are given here on earth as short as it can seem to be? This week I will talk about time using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

First, let’s talk about time according to the Bible. The first mention of time was at the beginning of creation. God had a seven day timeline for His creation here on earth. And on the seventh day He rested, not only for Himself, but for His creation as well and made it Holy (Genesis 2:2, 3). This is the first indication that God is a worker, but also rests and gives rest (Mark 2:27)!

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Comfort, Patience and Time – Do you have to “get out of your comfort zone” to become a Christian? – Part 5

Comfort, Patience and Time – Do you have to “get out of your comfort zone” to become a Christian? – Part 5

I have often heard that you must get out of your comfort zone in order to grow. This is the case with any part of a person’s life. Learning requires trying new ideas and seeing what works. Unfortunately or fortunately the Christian walk is one of continuous growth. That means continually getting out of your comfort zone, because it is our job to continue to change, becoming more like Christ every day. In this week’s article we will talk about what it takes to “get out of your comfort zone”, in order to grow in your relationship with God and others, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Last, Christ is the perfect example of a person getting out of their comfort zone. He claimed to be the Son of God, and of course was and received the penalty of humanities sins for that office (Romans 8:32-39). So trust in Him to keep you when you are pushed out of your comfort zone. He is the only one who knows everything you are going through, because He has been tempted like us (Hebrews 4:15).


Seven Steps to Freedom

Comfort, Patience and Time – Do you have to “get out of your comfort zone” to become a Christian? – Part 4

Comfort, Patience and Time – Do you have to “get out of your comfort zone” to become a Christian? – Part 4

I have often heard that you must get out of your comfort zone in order to grow. This is the case with any part of a person’s life. Learning requires trying new ideas and seeing what works. Unfortunately or fortunately the Christian walk is one of continuous growth. That means continually getting out of your comfort zone, because it is our job to continue to change, becoming more like Christ every day. In this week’s article we will talk about what it takes to “get out of your comfort zone”, in order to grow in your relationship with God and others, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

It is mentioned that when Jesus was to go away, that the comforter would be sent (John 14:26). This is great news for all of us! We have God’s spirit amongst us and if we accept His spirit, it will dwell in us as well (1 Corinthians 3:16). This is the gift God gave us after Jesus left His earthly commission until His return (Luke 11:13). The comforter, a.k.a Holy Spirit, is God’s Spirit (John 4:24). And baptism is a physical act in choosing to have that spirit enter our lives (Acts 2:38). The point is, when you get out of your comfort zone, whether it is with people or work, etc, believe that you have someone on your side!

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Comfort, Patience and Time – Do you have to “get out of your comfort zone” to become a Christian? – Part 3

Comfort, Patience and Time – Do you have to “get out of your comfort zone” to become a Christian? – Part 3

I have often heard that you must get out of your comfort zone in order to grow. This is the case with any part of a person’s life. Learning requires trying new ideas and seeing what works. Unfortunately or fortunately the Christian walk is one of continuous growth. That means continually getting out of your comfort zone, because it is our job to continue to change, becoming more like Christ every day. In this week’s article we will talk about what it takes to “get out of your comfort zone”, in order to grow in your relationship with God and others, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

If God is working in our lives and even if He is not, we will be put through trials. This is a fact of life living in an imperfect world. Regardless of your religious or non-religious affiliation, you will experience challenges. But you will never be pushed beyond anything you cannot handle that is a promise made by our Maker (1 Corinthians 10:13). I can speak from experience, as I have met many tests in my life. Some of these have been harder than others, including leadership roles, relationship challenges and financial difficulties. But no matter the trial, He has always brought me and those around me through; stronger than before and other great things have come and will come from these trials for you too!

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom