Jesus became sin for us, so we could be God’s righteousness in Jesus Christ of Nazareth

2 Corinthians 5:21 says, “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” (2 Cor. 5:21). Jesus came to earth, conceived by the Holy Ghost, in the virgin, Mary, born of the virgin, Mary, espoused to Joseph (Matt. 1:18-25). He had brothers and sisters (Mark 6:3). He started His earthly ministry at about the age of thirty (Luke 3:23). And for three and a half years, He healed, did miracles, and forgave sins. And at Passover in 31 A.D., Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, He was buried, and the third day He arose to give us the hope and promise of eternal life in His Holy name. Alleluia and praise the LORD. Amen and Amen.

Jesus is the Sun of righteousness with healing in His wings

Malachi 4:2 says, “But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.” (Mal. 4:2). Revelation 22:16 says, “I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.” (Rev. 22:16). Jesus came to earth, conceived by the Holy Ghost, in the virgin, Mary, born of the virgin, Mary, espoused to Joseph (Matt. 1:18-25). He had brothers and sisters (Mark 6:3). He started His earthly ministry at about the age of thirty (Luke 3:23). And for three and a half years, He healed, did miracles, and forgave sins. And at Passover in 31 A.D., Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, He was buried, and the third day He arose to give us the hope and promise of eternal life in His Holy name. Alleluia and praise the LORD. Amen and Amen.

The Lord executes righteousness and judgement for all who are oppressed

Psalm 103:6 says, “The Lord executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed.” (Ps. 103:6). Jesus came to earth, conceived by the Holy Ghost, in the virgin, Mary, born of the virgin, Mary, espoused to Joseph (Matt. 1:18-25). He had brothers and sisters (Mark 6:3). He started His earthly ministry at about the age of thirty (Luke 3:23). And for three and a half years, He healed, did miracles, and forgave sins. And at Passover in 31 A.D., Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, He was buried, and the third day He arose to give us the hope and promise of eternal life in His Holy name. Alleluia and praise the LORD. Amen and Amen.

Righteousness brings life

Proverbs 12:28 says, “In the way of righteousness is life; and in the pathway thereof there is no death.” (Prov. 12:28). Jesus came to earth, conceived by the Holy Ghost, in the virgin, Mary, born of the virgin, Mary, espoused to Joseph (Matt. 1:18-25). He had brothers and sisters (Mark 6:3). He started His earthly ministry at about the age of thirty (Luke 3:23). And for three and a half years, He healed, did miracles, and forgave sins. And at Passover in 31 A.D., Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, He was buried, and the third day He arose to give us the hope and promise of eternal life in His Holy name. Alleluia and praise the LORD. Amen and Amen.

Our righteousness is faith in Jesus

Romans 3:22 says, “Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:” (Rom. 3:22). Jesus came to earth, conceived by the Holy Ghost, in the virgin, Mary, born of the virgin, Mary, espoused to Joseph (Matt. 1:18-25). He had brothers and sisters (Mark 6:3). He started His earthly ministry at about the age of thirty (Luke 3:23). And for three and a half years, He healed, did miracles, and forgave sins. And at Passover in 31 A.D., Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, He was buried, and the third day He arose to give us the hope and promise of eternal life in His Holy name. Alleluia and praise the LORD. Amen and Amen.

Righteousness leads to life

Proverbs 12:28 says, “In the way of righteousness is life: and in the pathway thereof there is no death.” (Prov. 12:28). Jesus came to earth, conceived by the Holy Ghost, in the virgin, Mary, born of the virgin, Mary, espoused to Joseph (Matt. 1:18-25). He had brothers and sisters (Mark 6:3). He started His earthly ministry at about the age of thirty (Luke 3:23). And for three and a half years, He healed, did miracles, and forgave sins. And at Passover in 31 A.D., Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, He was buried, and the third day He arose to give us the hope and promise of eternal life in His Holy name. Alleluia and praise the LORD. Amen and Amen.

The work of righteousness brings peace

Isaiah 32:17 says, “And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.” (Isa. 32:17). Jesus came to earth, conceived by the Holy Ghost, in the virgin, Mary, born of the virgin, Mary, espoused to Joseph (Matt. 1:18-25). He had brothers and sisters (Mark 6:3). He started His earthly ministry at about the age of thirty (Luke 3:23). And for three and a half years, He healed, did miracles, and forgave sins. And at Passover in 31 A.D., Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, He was buried, and the third day He arose to give us the hope and promise of eternal life in His Holy name. Alleluia and praise the LORD. Amen and Amen.

God’s commandments are righteousness

Psalm 119:172 says, “My tongue shall speak of thy word: for all thy commandments are righteousness.” (Ps. 119:172). Jesus came to earth, conceived by the Holy Ghost, in the virgin, Mary, born of the virgin, Mary, espoused to Joseph (Matt. 1:18-25). He had brothers and sisters (Mark 6:3). He started His earthly ministry at about the age of thirty (Luke 3:23). And for three and a half years, He healed, did miracles, and forgave sins. And at Passover in 31 A.D., Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, He was buried, and the third day He arose to give us the hope and promise of eternal life in His Holy name. Alleluia and praise the LORD. Amen and Amen.

Our filthy rags of righteousness are cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ

Isaiah says that our righteousness is as filthy rags to God (Isa. 64:6). But Jesus cleanses our garments by His own blood (Rev. 7:14). Our true righteousness is actually Jesus’ righteousness, not our own (Jer. 23:6). Jesus came to earth, conceived by the Holy Ghost, in the virgin, Mary, born of the virgin, Mary, espoused to Joseph (Matt. 1:18-25). He had brothers and sisters (Mark 6:3). He started His earthly ministry at about the age of thirty (Luke 3:23). And for three and a half years, He healed, did miracles, and forgave sins. And at Passover in 31 A.D., Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, He was buried, and the third day He arose to give us the hope and promise of eternal life in His Holy name. Alleluia and praise the LORD. Amen and Amen.

What is the Kingdom of God? – Part 5

What is the Kingdom of God? – Part 5

Jesus said “seek first the kingdom of God and all other things will be given to you” (Matthew 6:33). That is great, but what is the kingdom of God? Jesus uses many parables to describe the kingdom of God and what we must do to enter into it. So what must we do to “enter” the kingdom of God? Can we experience it here on earth in our lives? If it is a Spiritual kingdom what will it be like when we get there? All of these are questions that someone may think of when wondering what the kingdom of God is all about. This week I will tackle the question of “what is the Kingdom of God?” using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Regardless, developing a relationship with Christ, worshipping God and fellowshipping with other believers gives us a “taste” at the least of what God’s kingdom is like eternally. We do not know exactly what it will be like until we get there. But we can get a better idea of what He has planned for us in this life and the next if we follow Him (Matthew 6:33)!


Seven Steps to Freedom