Aliens, UFO’s and Space travel… what is the truth of it? – Part 4

Aliens, UFO’s and Space travel… what is the truth of it? – Part 4

Generally speaking I am not much of a “conspiracy” person, but God knows there is no shortage of “conspiracy” theories in this world. It almost has a “cult” like following throughout the decades, especially with the advent of film and special affects to enhance the drama of a possible idea. But what is the truth of all of this? The Bible makes very clear in one book that God will bring a strong dilution on the world for those who disobey Him and that signs and wonder will be done in heaven, both by good and evil forces, which would put to rest the question of UFO’s and the “why” of the space program at least (Matt. 24:24, 2 Thess. 2:9-12, Hebrews 2:4, Rev. 16:14). The word used to describe angels in particular which means “messenger” are used to describe both “celestial” and “terrestrial” bodies in the New and Old Testament (Genesis 32:3, Luke 7:24). But do we need to be deceived? This week I will talk about the topic of the more “alien” kind using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Last, regarding the things that are not from this world, the things that we wonder about or imagine may be true and may not be (Jer. 19:5). Just because we can imagine something does not make it truth. God is the ultimate source of truth, His spirit is truth. We must also remember that there is a spiritual force in this world that wants us to believe a lie, because as the Bible says, he is the father of lies (John 8:44). The point is that you can either believe “man” and his strange ideas or believe God, the Creator and true messenger of all things to this world (John 3:33). He has created us to have eternal life! Are there angels? The Bible says so (1 Cor. 15:40). Are there aliens? In the human sense, we are aliens in some respect (Exodus 18:3, Deut. 14:21, Job 19:15, Psalm 69:8, Isaiah 61:5, Hebrews 11:13, Psalm 119:19). But ultimately, we must put our trust in God and Jesus Christ for the truth of all of these things, because man’s heart and mind of the flesh are desperately wicked and deceptive (Jer. 17:9, Mark 7:21, Psalms 51:5, Psalms 118:8). We all need to consider the truth of the matter and follow God through Jesus Christ first and foremost for the truth of all things!


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Seven Steps to Freedom

Time, Times, and a Dividing of Time – What did John really see?

Aliens, UFO’s and Space travel… what is the truth of it? – Part 3

Aliens, UFO’s and Space travel… what is the truth of it? – Part 3

Generally speaking I am not much of a “conspiracy” person, but God knows there is no shortage of “conspiracy” theories in this world. It almost has a “cult” like following throughout the decades, especially with the advent of film and special affects to enhance the drama of a possible idea. But what is the truth of all of this? The Bible makes very clear in one book that God will bring a strong dilution on the world for those who disobey Him and that signs and wonder will be done in heaven, both by good and evil forces, which would put to rest the question of UFO’s and the “why” of the space program at least (Matt. 24:24, 2 Thess. 2:9-12, Hebrews 2:4, Rev. 16:14). The word used to describe angels in particular which means “messenger” are used to describe both “celestial” and “terrestrial” bodies in the New and Old Testament (Genesis 32:3, Luke 7:24). But do we need to be deceived? This week I will talk about the topic of the more “alien” kind using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice….cont’d.

Now regarding space travel, God has placed in us the desire to travel. We have the desire to explore, grow and “conquer” new places, God said from the beginning for us to have dominion over the earth (Genesis 1:26-28). The point is that it is only natural for us to desire to find new places to live and explore. Of course from a practical perspective, there is also a survival aspect of discovering new planetary systems. But this is where faith comes into play. God is spirit (John 4:24). Although He created the physical realm He desires us to be like Him, which is first and foremost spirit driven (John 6:63, Romans 8:6, and 1 John 2:6). It is the spirit that gives life and we need to realize this (Genesis 2:7, Job 33:4). May we be doing some “space” travel in the future to other “solar” systems? Possibly. Is there life beyond our solar system? This is also possible. The Bible says, with God all things are possible (Matt. 19:26). Do I believe all of the “Hollywood”, conspiracy and cult like depictions of “aliens” and other worlds, not likely, but again the Bible does say with God all things are possible (Matt. 19:26). Not to mention that some of these films do a good job of depicting some of the best and worst of human nature in these “alien” characters and story lines. So what do you believe?

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Time, Times, and a Dividing of Time – What did John really see?

Aliens, UFO’s and Space travel… what is the truth of it? – Part 2

Aliens, UFO’s and Space travel… what is the truth of it? – Part 2

Generally speaking I am not much of a “conspiracy” person, but God knows there is no shortage of “conspiracy” theories in this world. It almost has a “cult” like following throughout the decades, especially with the advent of film and special affects to enhance the drama of a possible idea. But what is the truth of all of this? The Bible makes very clear in one book that God will bring a strong dilution on the world for those who disobey Him and that signs and wonder will be done in heaven, both by good and evil forces, which would put to rest the question of UFO’s and the “why” of the space program at least (Matt. 24:24, 2 Thess. 2:9-12, Hebrews 2:4, Rev. 16:14). The word used to describe angels in particular which means “messenger” are used to describe both “celestial” and “terrestrial” bodies in the New and Old Testament (Genesis 32:3, Luke 7:24). But do we need to be deceived? This week I will talk about the topic of the more “alien” kind using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Now let us go onto the subject of “aliens”. I have watched shows, heard stories and thought about these ideas myself. One more recently that I have thought of is the “abduction” scenario. To me this could very likely be a mental manifestation, as we come into this world often into strangers’ hands in the hospital under lights, we are poked and prodded with needles as we grow older and then we are encouraged at times to continue to follow this “system” throughout life. Is this not a sort of “abduction”, from a more godly way of living? If Adam and Eve had never sinned and were never cast out of the Garden of Eden, God only knows how we would have experienced life instead. I imagine there would be a lot less need for the medical industry as it stands today…at the least. The Good news is God does desire us to experience His goodness (Psalm 100:5, Psalm 136:1, Psalm 145:9). And one more thing about aliens, it says in Genesis 6:4 that there were giants on the earth and that the “sons of God” came into the daughters of men to bare children to them. The giants are just that, big people, as I have mentioned in an earlier article about “angels” and the “sons of God” are likely from the righteous line of Adam through Seth as Adam is also considered a “son of God” (Luke 3:38).

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Time, Times, and a Dividing of Time – What did John really see?

Aliens, UFO’s and Space travel… what is the truth of it? – Part 1

Aliens, UFO’s and Space travel… what is the truth of it? – Part 1

Generally speaking I am not much of a “conspiracy” person, but God knows there is no shortage of “conspiracy” theories in this world. It almost has a “cult” like following throughout the decades, especially with the advent of film and special affects to enhance the drama of a possible idea. But what is the truth of all of this? The Bible makes very clear in one book that God will bring a strong dilution on the world for those who disobey Him and that signs and wonder will be done in heaven, both by good and evil forces, which would put to rest the question of UFO’s and the “why” of the space program at least (Matt. 24:24, 2 Thess. 2:9-12, Hebrews 2:4, Rev. 16:14). The word used to describe angels in particular which means “messenger” are used to describe both “celestial” and “terrestrial” bodies in the New and Old Testament (Genesis 32:3, Luke 7:24). But do we need to be deceived? This week I will talk about the topic of the more “alien” kind using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice.

The first thing to mention is that we are not alone. If you are a believer, or you are not, it would be important to know that there exists “another” world, which is the spirit world (Col 1:16, Eph. 6:12, 1 Peter 3:22). This spirit world is spoken of in the Bible, and is described alongside the history and experiences of those who wrote the books of the Bible and their generations. There are many descriptions of interesting foreign objects such as the wheels in Ezekiel’s writings or the beasts in Daniel’s writings and John’s writing of the Book of Revelation (Ezekiel 1:15-25, Daniel 7, Rev. 13). However, these all have to be taken into context, because they are usually describing something or some system that has or may eventually exist on earth. Such as the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream that represents a succession of kingdoms that have and continue to take place on earth today, this is the same as the “beast” with 7 heads, which also represents a succession of kingdoms on earth (Daniel 2, Rev. 12, 17). The point is that God is working something out here on earth, much greater than what we may think at times (Isaiah 55:8, 9).

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Time, Times, and a Dividing of Time – What did John really see?

New Year, Celebration, Signs – What are the ancient roots of our modern New Year’s celebration? – Part 5

New Year, Celebration, Signs – What are the ancient roots of our modern New Year’s celebration? – Part 5

This week’s article may be more of a history lesson than anything else, although I will touch on some Old Testament laws on keeping the yearly calendar. Time is an important thing in this working world, and just like we need to keep a weekly schedule for work, school, religion and family activities we must also keep a yearly schedule for those yearly chores like tax season, the beginning of the school year, and the like. This week’s article will be about that yearly date we celebrate as the start of the year, its history and connect it with our daily lives using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Last, it can be easy to lose track of our purpose or ultimate goal when we get caught up in our daily life activity, so if you have the chance take this time to reflect on what you have planned for your year ahead and life in general. Just like anything in life, if you can find the positive in any situation you will be blessed. Just ask God, through Christ for the help and He will give it to you. God bless, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Seven Steps to Freedom

New Year, Celebration, Signs – What are the ancient roots of our modern New Year’s celebration? – Part 4

New Year, Celebration, Signs – What are the ancient roots of our modern New Year’s celebration? – Part 4

This week’s article may be more of a history lesson than anything else, although I will touch on some Old Testament laws on keeping the yearly calendar. Time is an important thing in this working world, and just like we need to keep a weekly schedule for work, school, religion and family activities we must also keep a yearly schedule for those yearly chores like tax season, the beginning of the school year, and the like. This week’s article will be about that yearly date we celebrate as the start of the year, its history and connect it with our daily lives using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

In regards to New Year’s resolutions in particular, this could be a great time, especially from a Biblical perspective to get rid of a “bad habit” that needs to go. Take this time to earnestly pray about it and let that “bad habit” go! This could be compared to the celebration of the “Days of Unleavened Bread” or “Day of Atonement” mentioned in the Old Testament, which are also ancient Jewish Holy Days that are celebrated by Jews and some Christians alike, which represent removal of sin and getting closer to God and Christ. I will speak more about these days in later posts, but if you are interested look to Leviticus 23 for their descriptions.

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

New Year, Celebration, Signs – What are the ancient roots of our modern New Year’s celebration? – Part 3

New Year, Celebration, Signs – What are the ancient roots of our modern New Year’s celebration? – Part 3

This week’s article may be more of a history lesson than anything else, although I will touch on some Old Testament laws on keeping the yearly calendar. Time is an important thing in this working world, and just like we need to keep a weekly schedule for work, school, religion and family activities we must also keep a yearly schedule for those yearly chores like tax season, the beginning of the school year, and the like. This week’s article will be about that yearly date we celebrate as the start of the year, its history and connect it with our daily lives using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Now, that we have established the history of our modern calendar and the Old Testament indication for the beginning of the year. What next? Well obviously none of us here on earth have the power to move times and laws (Proverbs 19:21). And just like any other national or internationally recognized celebration, we do our best to get along with everyone (Romans 12:18). But there are some things we can do during this time of celebration and preparation for a New Year to keep ourselves grounded in the truth. Be safe in your activities, do not overindulge or plan for travelling safely if you do, that is find a designated driver. And just enjoy the renewing of life, your freedom and remember who gave you that freedom (Ephesians 2:4-10)!

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

New Year, Celebration, Signs – What are the ancient roots of our modern New Year’s celebration? – Part 2

New Year, Celebration, Signs – What are the ancient roots of our modern New Year’s celebration? – Part 2

This week’s article may be more of a history lesson than anything else, although I will touch on some Old Testament laws on keeping the yearly calendar. Time is an important thing in this working world, and just like we need to keep a weekly schedule for work, school, religion and family activities we must also keep a yearly schedule for those yearly chores like tax season, the beginning of the school year, and the like. This week’s article will be about that yearly date we celebrate as the start of the year, its history and connect it with our daily lives using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice…cont’d.

Next, let’s look into the Bible a bit for what God says about keeping time! First, in Genesis 1, God set the “two lights” to be sings for seasons, days and years and to govern the night and day (Genesis 1:14-18). In the Old Testament the beginning of the year was Nisan 1, which we can know is sometime in March, or shortly around that time, because it is connected with the Jewish celebration of Passover or the Christian Easter, which in the Old Testament is said to begin at Nisan 14 (Leviticus 23:5, Exodus 12:2). Is it any coincidence that this time of the year is the end of the year fiscally for most business’s and tax season for all?

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

New Year, Celebration, Signs – What are the ancient roots of our modern New Year’s celebration? – Part 1

New Year, Celebration, Signs – What are the ancient roots of our modern New Year’s celebration? – Part 1

This week’s article may be more of a history lesson than anything else, although I will touch on some Old Testament laws on keeping the yearly calendar. Time is an important thing in this working world, and just like we need to keep a weekly schedule for work, school, religion and family activities we must also keep a yearly schedule for those yearly chores like tax season, the beginning of the school year, and the like. This week’s article will be about that yearly date we celebrate as the start of the year, its history and connect it with our daily lives using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice.

First, let’s talk about the history of the current calendar the majority of the world uses to mark the beginning of the New Year. It has it’s foundations in Rome and actually, seems to be traceable to Greek civilization before that. The calendar we currently use is the Gregorian; it was adjusted slightly from the Julian calendar, both of which use the sun to determine dates, months and years. Although I am far from an expert on keeping time, it seems that the early version of the Greek calendar matches up more closely with the Old Testament laws of keeping time, that is, there are 29 and 30 day months, vs. the 30 and 31 day months we have now.

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom