Don’t be afraid of other peoples success

Psalm 49:16 says, “Be not thou afraid when one is made rich, when the glory of his house is increased;” (Ps. 49:16). Jesus came to earth, conceived by the Holy Ghost, in the virgin, Mary, born of the virgin, Mary, espoused to Joseph (Matt. 1:18-25). He had brothers and sisters (Mark 6:3). He started His earthly ministry at about the age of thirty (Luke 3:23). And for three and a half years, He healed, did miracles, and forgave sins. And at Passover in 31 A.D., Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, He was buried, and the third day He arose to give us the hope and promise of eternal life in His Holy name. Alleluia and praise the LORD. Amen and Amen.

Authorities, Obedience and Law – With all of the confusion in this world who should you listen to? – Part 5

Authorities, Obedience and Law – With all of the confusion in this world who should you listen to? – Part 5

It is becoming increasingly popular to “rebel” against authority and the “establishment” in various ways and throughout various countries in the world today. It started a couple of years back with occupy Wall Street, then the G20 summit, the Arab Spring and now civil disobedience in Hong Kong. But what are the real issues behind all of this and how can you find calm in this seemingly confusing time? Let’s talk about these concerns and try to come up with a successful solution…cont’d.

Last, Obedience creates peace and blessings, as it mentions in Romans 13, “Authorities hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong” (Romans 13:3). So let us rebel, not against the law, but against the popular trend of anarchy and rebellion itself. Let’s listen to authority, pray for those who are in power and hope that we can all move forward together towards a “better tomorrow”!

To learn more about this topic and others, read the book, Seven Steps to Freedom, available here.


Seven Steps to Freedom

Authorities, Obedience and Law – With all of the confusion in this world who should you listen to? – Part 4

Authorities, Obedience and Law – With all of the confusion in this world who should you listen to? – Part 4

It is becoming increasingly popular to “rebel” against authority and the “establishment” in various ways and throughout various countries in the world today. It started a couple of years back with occupy Wall Street, then the G20 summit, the Arab Spring and now civil disobedience in Hong Kong. But what are the real issues behind all of this and how can you find calm in this seemingly confusing time? Let’s talk about these concerns and try to come up with a successful solution…cont’d.

Second, a democratic society and the capitalist business system that comes along with it breed’s innovation. The very social media that these various groups around the world are using to suit their own ends was created by the “enemies” they are boasting about killing. Where is the logic in that?

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Authorities, Obedience and Law – With all of the confusion in this world who should you listen to? – Part 3

Authorities, Obedience and Law – With all of the confusion in this world who should you listen to? – Part 3

It is becoming increasingly popular to “rebel” against authority and the “establishment” in various ways and throughout various countries in the world today. It started a couple of years back with occupy Wall Street, then the G20 summit, the Arab Spring and now civil disobedience in Hong Kong. But what are the real issues behind all of this and how can you find calm in this seemingly confusing time? Let’s talk about these concerns and try to come up with a successful solution…cont’d.

First, Authorities, however wrong people may think they are at times are there for your good (Romans 13:1-5). Imagine, not having local police in the society we live in today. Or imagine no health system for the sick, injured and dying. The point is we need structure as a society to enjoy the “creature comforts”, even if we only get a few hours a day to ourselves and our own endeavours, to ease our mind from the “stress” of the world.

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Seven Steps to Freedom

Authorities, Obedience and Law – With all of the confusion in this world who should you listen to? – Part 2

Authorities, Obedience and Law – With all of the confusion in this world who should you listen to? – Part 2

It is becoming increasingly popular to “rebel” against authority and the “establishment” in various ways and throughout various countries in the world today. It started a couple of years back with occupy Wall Street, then the G20 summit, the Arab Spring and now civil disobedience in Hong Kong. But what are the real issues behind all of this and how can you find calm in this seemingly confusing time? Let’s talk about these concerns and try to come up with a successful solution…cont’d.

At the onset, the people involved may think that the “establishment” are against them, that they are trying to suppress them and their “ideas”. I would ask this question, take a minute and image this world without rules, structure, laws and consequences for disobedience? Is the image in your mind something you would like to have become a reality? Whatever your response, read on to find some possible solutions.

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Seven Steps to Freedom

Authorities, Obedience and Law – With all of the confusion in this world who should you listen to? – Part 1

Authorities, Obedience and Law – With all of the confusion in this world who should you listen to? – Part 1

It is becoming increasingly popular to “rebel” against authority and the “establishment” in various ways and throughout various countries in the world today. It started a couple of years back with occupy Wall Street, then the G20 summit, the Arab Spring and now civil disobedience in Hong Kong. But what are the real issues behind all of this and how can you find calm in this seemingly confusing time? Let’s talk about these concerns and try to come up with a successful solution.

All though these particular events are new to this generation of people, the act of protest is not a new one, as you may very well be aware. In recent history, there has been a multitude of civil rights movements, usually associated with some sort of social concern, like economic inequality, ethnic prejudices, or gender biases, amongst other things. And there is no doubt that the core concerns these people have are well founded in most cases. However, when nothing is resolved in the short term, patience wears thin and people act out.

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Success, Money, Fame – Eternal purpose or selfish gain? – Part 5

Success, Money, Fame – Eternal purpose or selfish gain? – Part 5

Depending on a person’s view of the world, we can have various definitions of success. To one success may be financial wealth, to another it may be raising a family with proper moral values, and yet to another it may be living their day to day lives to the fullest they know how. In a world flooded with ideas on how we as individuals should live a successful life, what is the reality of the situation and how should we view our success in this world? In this article we will talk about how to define true success and what we can do to attain it, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice….cont’d.

So where do we start with getting wisdom? Proverbs 9:10 says, “The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord.” The word fear here can mean terror or fear in the tradition sense, but it can also mean reverence or piety, in respect to the fear of God. Although we are to “fear” God, what this really means is that we are to look to Him and obey Him (Proverbs 8:13). The way I look at it is, if I am going to fear anything here on earth or above it might as well be my creator to start. But in the long run He does not want us to fear Him. He wants us to listen to Him, love Him and obey Him and then show that same love to others here on earth (2 John 1:6)!

To learn more about how to become successful in your life here on earth and help develop a greater purpose here on earth for yourself and others, read, Seven Steps to Freedom, available at bookstores today.


Seven Steps to Freedom

Success, Money, Fame – Eternal purpose or selfish gain? – Part 4

Success, Money, Fame – Eternal purpose or selfish gain? – Part 4

Depending on a person’s view of the world, we can have various definitions of success. To one success may be financial wealth, to another it may be raising a family with proper moral values, and yet to another it may be living their day to day lives to the fullest they know how. In a world flooded with ideas on how we as individuals should live a successful life, what is the reality of the situation and how should we view our success in this world? In this article we will talk about how to define true success and what we can do to attain it, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice….cont’d.

So, if money or fame is not necessarily the best place to start for seeking success, what is? Well first, knowledge is an important place (Proverbs 24:5, Proverbs 20:15). I have often heard the old saying “you cannot know where you’re going if you do not know where you are coming from”. Spending time daily learning how to live a proper lifestyle, and taking a look at your own current lifestyle choices, making adjustments to benefit yourself and the people around you in the long run, would be a good start (Matthew 7:3-5). Making proper choices can also be transferred over to the your work environment as well. Knowledge is required in all aspects of a persons life, family, friendships and at work! And regarding saving money specifically, there is a verse in the Bible that suggests saving little by little is the way to go (Proverbs 13:11).

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Success, Money, Fame – Eternal purpose or selfish gain? – Part 3

Success, Money, Fame – Eternal purpose or selfish gain? – Part 3

Depending on a person’s view of the world, we can have various definitions of success. To one success may be financial wealth, to another it may be raising a family with proper moral values, and yet to another it may be living their day to day lives to the fullest they know how. In a world flooded with ideas on how we as individuals should live a successful life, what is the reality of the situation and how should we view our success in this world? In this article we will talk about how to define true success and what we can do to attain it, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice….cont’d.

We need to understand that there is someone or something greater than us up there. No matter how much we are given or how “important” our status or job is here on earth. There is always someone bigger and better (1 Chronicles 29:11). That is the reality of the situation. So to become the richest or most popular person on the plant just for those reasons alone may be a fruitless and foolish pursuit in the long run (Ecclesiastes 5:10, Titus 2:7). And besides it has already been done. King Solomon, the son of David, and King of Israel was the richest man on earth in all respects. He indulged himself in every human need, want and desire under the sun, including asking for wisdom (1 Kings 3:9-13, 1 Kings 4, 10, 11). And in the end he suggested all of his pursuits were meaningless and in vain, but that the conclusion of the matter was to obey God and keep His commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:8, 13).

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom

Success, Money, Fame – Eternal purpose or selfish gain? – Part 2

Success, Money, Fame – Eternal purpose or selfish gain? – Part 2

Depending on a person’s view of the world, we can have various definitions of success. To one success may be financial wealth, to another it may be raising a family with proper moral values, and yet to another it may be living their day to day lives to the fullest they know how. In a world flooded with ideas on how we as individuals should live a successful life, what is the reality of the situation and how should we view our success in this world? In this article we will talk about how to define true success and what we can do to attain it, using the Bible as the go to reference book of choice….cont’d.

But what is a proper view of success? Well for starters many look to, athletes, actors, TV celebrities, models, and the list goes on to define their view of success. This is ok to start, as most of these people have worked very hard to be in the position they have been given (Ecclesiastes 9:10). And many of these people come from humble backgrounds that show with hard work and determination anything can be accomplished, which are both great qualities (James 1:2-4). However, if one is only looking at the material and physical gain these people have achieved as markers of success, then one may want to reconsider their motives for being like these people (Luke 12:15). As the Bible says, “…all the gold is mine…”, referring to the big guy upstairs (Haggai 2:8).

More to come…


Seven Steps to Freedom